My New FatBoy Cessna

Started by foamybuilder, November 27, 2010, 12:15:16 PM

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Cessna 44Inch
AUW 630Grams with 2200Mah Battery(lightmax)
Get around 30Min flight time
Prop 8x4
Motor FC-28-12 1534kv from hobbycity


Anwar can you please move the post to scratch built zones, I created the post under sale by mistake


Keychain camera onboard video from Cessna


Quote from: foamybuilder on November 27, 2010, 12:16:52 PM
Anwar can you please move the post to scratch built zones, I created the post under sale by mistake


Wish there were a "non-onboard" video too :)
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Was wondering whay you suddenly wnat to sell it :D


Was having a keychain camera with my hat. Most of the time the plane is out of frame. Have ordered a wideangle lens, will post better videos from next time.


Non onboard video for Anwar  :)
Some landing sessinos, shot with my keychain camera version8, attached to my cap.


Gracias :)

That is one "clam and quiet" flyer !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Thanks, the motor is quite impressive. Flew for 26min continues today. Its a powerful and efficient motor


really great model :bow:
also really attractive to the eagles around it ;D



Luckily nothing happened because of eagles today


Nice model! And nice landings too.. I still haven't got my landings right..
"The day you stop playing with your toys is the day you start getting ready to die.."

FlySky 9x (with ER9x,  backlight mod &  dual module hack) | Futaba SkySport 4VF (with 5th channel hack) | Glidiator - scratchbuilt 60" electric glider | SkySurfer | Scratchbuilt Tricopter | FT Nutball |  .46 Glow trainer (electric conversion in progress)


Evil eagle attacked my chuck glider also. All cos of you. Grrr... What a day!


Quote from: @k@sh on November 28, 2010, 07:54:15 PM
really great model :bow:
also really attractive to the eagles around it ;D

Yes, really its an amazing model, flew for 26 mins, i was there & enjoying the dogfight between the eagles & the model, luckily no damage done.
There were around 15 to 20 eagles at on point of time around this model.
--o-o-Ộ-o-o--   --o-o-Ộ-o-o--   --o-o-Ộ-o-o--



Spot the plane contest :D The wierd thing is that thy didnt trouble the other planes in the air. Mind you, this was only half the eagle population this plane attracted today... :D



Woah! Whats with all those birds??
"The day you stop playing with your toys is the day you start getting ready to die.."

FlySky 9x (with ER9x,  backlight mod &  dual module hack) | Futaba SkySport 4VF (with 5th channel hack) | Glidiator - scratchbuilt 60" electric glider | SkySurfer | Scratchbuilt Tricopter | FT Nutball |  .46 Glow trainer (electric conversion in progress)