Started by vineet, June 15, 2011, 09:45:30 PM

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hi all ,
:help:,i need a help as feeling very bad by spending over 8000 on radios , electronics , etc etc , :(losing funds in buying props ,coro (as it is only avilable at my place),epoxy , glustics ,etc etc :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:. again and again ,i dont know why my plane is not gong in the air cant post pics as have no cam or mobile, thats why giving all the detail.but can tell you all the details and as following the plan which has tried by many  . i dont know where is the mistake . :help:if any body from delhi want to help me out plz tell that will be more better :help: as i can come to his place

here are the details .

1. rcpower 300 coro with 3mm thickness plan
2.9*5 prop
3.60 gram motor with 900 gram of thrust .
4. 25 amp esc
5.1800 mah lipo

1.rudder , elevator are not working properly :banghead: :headscratch: .
2.the plane is going any where he wants   :banghead::banghead:,
3.i have never seen that any bodies coro ever bend like mine in the air ??? ??? .

many many questions that i want an answer ??? ??? ??? ??? ???,t


Mail your countless questions, I am sure we'll be able to get your model in air soon! ;)
Here is my id: or you can join live chat via Gmail Chat or SkyPe, I think live chat is the best option.. :thumbsup:
Come online during late night hours! :P

I have helped hundreds of people building models!!!
Milind Raj

India, I pledge to serve you, to protect you and make you shine above all.....
....and when all the wars are over, a butterfly will still be beautiful.


thanks sir just coming on gmail.


milind, pls discuss this on the forum so that we all can benefit from you



I have no issues friends! But I always suggest to join me live via chats, because that gets much more easier to discuss and solve the problems, and its very very fast! Saves time and effort! ;)
Here on this forum you have to wait and wait until you get notifications of new post. I hope you can understand my dear friends.
Also, you can join me on SkyPe: milind_raj
Milind Raj

India, I pledge to serve you, to protect you and make you shine above all.....
....and when all the wars are over, a butterfly will still be beautiful.


that is a point milind , i thing in skype we need to have webcam ?? otherwise it is same as other chats.


Answer to your problems


1.rudder , elevator are not working properly - Ensure that your radio is programmed for Plane and not Heli meaning turn off collective pitch mixing (let us know the radio type and we will help)
2.the plane is going any where he wants - it's because of incorrect inputs
3.i have never seen that any bodies coro ever bend like mine in the air. - their are 2 types of coro one has tubes and one as honey bee home type shape or Octagon shape. NO issues if you use the octagon type of coro but you need to be very care full when using the tube type coro as to how you cut the body of the plane so that the tubes are horizontal to the wing and fuse.

I hope this helps


Helis and Quads ROCK !!


You are in Delhi :o :banghead:  All you need is walk into one of the fields on a Sunday :)
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Quote from: anwar on June 15, 2011, 10:45:07 PM
You are in Delhi :o :banghead:  All you need is walk into one of the fields on a Sunday :)

yes you are right and i dont want to be a hassel in the fun of the people who only have few minutes on sunday to fly.


Hi VIneet,

I think you got it the other way around....we will be very happy to help you on any Sunday morning at Mundka field.. everyone comes with lunch packed --forget about few minutes. ;)

Helis and Quads ROCK !!


Quote from: Hellyflyer on June 15, 2011, 10:43:28 PM
Answer to your problems
I hope this helps

dear amit thanks

1.  turngy 9x and have selected the model type plane already.

2. i have followed the 300 coro plan so i dont think there is any incorrect input ,except my mistake ofbulding it
3. it is a tube type coro, 3 mm

6*4 (2 units ) still remaning.


Quote from: Hellyflyer on June 15, 2011, 10:55:30 PM
I think you got it the other way around....we will be very happy to help you on any Sunday morning at Mundka field.. everyone comes with lunch packed --forget about few minutes. ;)

how do i carry my plane there , any other suggestion , will it help in posting pics here, i can borrow a camera from some where.


Yup pictures would really help,

you can also refer to my thread for some pics to see if you have build it correctly

Helis and Quads ROCK !!


its cool man this want the same i have but not works like yours , will be posting some pics .



here are some pics from phone ,,just want to clarify the placement of battery , esc and receiver.


Here are a few things that I suggest you look into :
1. Please reinforce the wings, the elevator control surface and the fuse longitudinally.
2. The control horns are not placed correctly, it should be as close to the hinge as possible and aligned with the servo arm, the control rods should be running straight from the servo arms to the control horns.
3. Please velcro or ziptie the esc to the fuse because movement of the esc during the flight will make the plane go out of control.
4. Please make sure that the C.G and the thrust angle are correct.
5. Before I hand launch this plane, I usually hold it vertically with the nose pointing up, and then I apply power to check whether the plane has a tendency to go straight up(which is desired) or to the left/right, In order to correct the left/right movement I correct the battery position or trim the rudder.

You may also visit and take a look at the pics of my extra 300 or agu bhaiya's extra 300 for reference.
Be Inquisitive