New Balsa - Phoenix Pilatus

Started by sandeepm, October 24, 2010, 05:26:56 PM

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Here is my first Balsa ARF, From Phoenix - Pilatus Porter, purchased form a cool dude Praveen...Thanks Praveen for bringing in these ARF at low cost...
Packaging was perfect and in line...No damage...and best part is the detailed instruction book....
Some part are of not good
front landing gear metal part...all three broke while folding so now have to see how to fix the front landing gear..
Tail landing gear after fixing will be week and will break during landing if tail touches first..will find alternate way of putting the tail gear and will be best if found something to make it steerable.
Have done some changes to fix the two part wing and according to manual the two part need to fixed permanent. but i have change the plan and two parts can be removed for easy transportation.
will try to fix the 32mm steerable nose unit.
Some Pix :
Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!


Happy Flying :) Any plans for more decals?. Looks plain.


All The best for the model Sandeep, it is indeed a very good quality kit and an excellent flyer........Should look like the real thing after you finish applying the decals!!


this one is really good model, in fact i had it 2yrs back, beautiful high winger!!!! very stable, i dod my 1st take off on this model

i had 2 major crashes, both the case, wings get folded in flight, so do put some CF rod for wing.
was using 1200mAh 3s Lipo.

All the best

Hanger: Mini Yak-54| 210 Phantom | SU-47| F-15| EuroFighter|Scrappy|SU 27|Eurofighter|Sukhoi PAK FA
Blade MCX| Blade CP PRO
JR XP7202| DX7


Kindly note: wings to be placed in opposite direction  ;D
Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!


Nice Sandy !!!

Post the pics of th build and the final bird as well. She is a stable flyer. A good trainer rather. :D

BTW, What motor are you planning for her ? I guess suggested is AXI28... something... check with Ashish, he will let you know of the equivalent at HK.
Cheers !!!
+91 7977382130


found the motor on HK as suggested by Ashish, but unfortunately it is out of stock.....booked the same, lets see when it is gonna come in my hands.
Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!


Nice plane. Please post a video of maiden flight.
When you fly electric, fly clean, fly quiet, and fly safe!


Some more final build  snaps:
Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!


Some more:
Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!


Maiden will be done soon and video will be posted.
Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!


here's my porter, i did the maiden last week it was a smooth flight  absolutely stable
sorry abt the pic quality (mobile clicks)


hey Sandeep i remember in one of your post on this pilatus built you mentioned that the front landing gear rods snapped while trying to bend it   :headscratch:
i just wanna know why were you trying to bend it isn't it already shaped and just a screw on as shown in the pic i have uploaded...kindly correct me
on this


it was not the rod but the part that broke was the metal struts use to fix the landing gear. actually i was going according to the manual and it said that the metal part needs to be bend to fix the landing gear. the way you have fixed is also good.
Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!


ohh ok now i got it  :thumbsup:

i made my yak 54 too will hopefully maiden tomorrow


so you are going to Airoli 2moro for flying?
Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!


since it was raining i opted to go to my FH  for flying ....dint go to airoli


hey sandeep did u maiden ur pilatus............ no update on it


no maiden on Saturday as i was late on Friday Night... and now  will do a maiden this Saturday. if whether permits..!!
Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!


Nice looking model you got there  (:|~ . So Which motor and battery are you using?
Also can you provide another snap with the cowling removed?  I want to see how exactly your motor is fixed to the motor mount.



Ha ha ha ha ha ....the motor mount firewall is not the original one, i fabricated it using normal ply board. will send pic sometimes.

Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!


Hello Sandeep. Thanks for the reply. btw, you did this mod to get the CG right i suppose? can you also share the battery details like its Mah rating, weight etc.


i modify the firewall mount to fit my Motor which was slightly bigger then the mount. CG was no issues after that. i have used turnigy 3 cell 1800mah battery. hxt 9gm servos *3,
Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!


I bought this plane last week  ;D couldn't resist... I noticed the H-stab and elevator are hinged with just a transparent tape. Was it same for you too? I believe this would not be enough and was thinking of adding a CA hinge. How's your elevator hinged?


Quote from: koushik on December 21, 2010, 02:09:28 PM
I bought this plane last week  ;D couldn't resist... I noticed the H-stab and elevator are hinged with just a transparent tape. Was it same for you too? I believe this would not be enough and was thinking of adding a CA hinge. How's your elevator hinged?

i also had this model 2 yrs back, and it was hinged using tape only, there is no problem with tape, u dont need CA hinges. control surfaces is small so there is not much load on surface, so dont worry, if u want u can use clear tape on other side as well and that would be enough!!!! but be careful it should not restrict its movement!!!
Hanger: Mini Yak-54| 210 Phantom | SU-47| F-15| EuroFighter|Scrappy|SU 27|Eurofighter|Sukhoi PAK FA
Blade MCX| Blade CP PRO
JR XP7202| DX7