Plane - Assembling.

Started by ajith, May 01, 2011, 03:37:34 PM

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Take it easy folks... he is a concerned beginner :)

To answer your question Ajith, just be mindful about balancing the CG properly, and test it out.  Remember to keep the weight of the plane low when you build it.
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Ajith, motor mount is another issue, over powered motor can really tear up the mount,  believe me i have done this mistake and i am telling you, it is always better to but some underpowered setup initially take her up fly around for some flights and take it from there, in fact running up full throttle on ground etc is a big no no. i hope you are getting what i mean, take baby steps with motor and power system as well as throws
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A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


@Ajith: your setup looks fine. for a beginner over thrust may result in plane getting in a loop and inverted. If some flier is around, you can take his help when you maiden it.

@guys: he is doing his plane with his pocket money. lets help him


And the most important tip... most people get dejected when their plane crashes in the first few seconds of their first ever flight. To avoid that, please do :

1.  Train yourself on a sim if possible, and.or let the maiden be done by someone else who is an experienced pilot to test and trim the plane.

2.  Check if the plane has bad tendencies by doing glide tests into tall grass. 
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@folks: will it be good idea for ajith to do a elevator uptrim when he maidens his plane or keep the trims leveled out before flight.


we dont know how the plane will behave, so keeping the trims neutral is a good idea before maiden.