BIPLANE - Golden Oldie 20 (Electric)

Started by R C, March 28, 2014, 10:02:27 PM

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K K Iyer

@ R C,
Lovely. Both build and flying, incl 45degree knife edge...
In the video, just when I was about to say 'She'll do a large slow loop', you did exactly that!
It's time to amend your profile from 'beginner' to 'expert' ;D
Since you already have a Tiger Moth fin/rudder, some day when you get the mood, you could replace the Stick style wingtips and stab/elevator, so that it looks like this:



Thank you all   :)

This model flies very steady, It took long time for me to maiden this model - hopefully next build i will try to complete the model quickly and maiden it  ;)

@Iyer Sir, now i am in a mood to build a triplane ;D
have found a good set of plan from Outerzone for a 41 Inch Fokker triplane, planning to start the build next month  ;D ;D
Will keep you all posted.

Thanks again  :)
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"The Flight Of The Bumblebee"


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