Scratch Build - Slow Stick - First attempt

Started by dileepbalan, July 19, 2010, 08:08:24 AM

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Hi All,

I am planning to scratch build 'slow stick'. I have found the following motor and ESC.

Motor:2409 -12T Delta
Voltage: 10v (2~3 Cell lipo pack)
Kv: 1600
Max efficient current: 23A
Max Load: 25A
Max Power Output: 200W

ESC: my calculation is 25A * 1.5 = 37.5.
So selecting an ESC with 40A, is it correct?

But the same motor available with combo with following ESC
BESC: 25A (programmable)
Current: 25-30A
Voltage: 6-12V
BEC 2-3 Cell Lipo

can I go ahead with ESC40A? or the 25A(combo)
which combination is better? Experts, I appreciate your suggestions

Spektrum DX6i | AXN Floater-Jet


You dont need to have your ESC 1.5 times max load. The ESC should be equal to or higher than the burst current of your motor. If budget permits, go for a lighter 30 A or 40 A esc.

The combo will be sufficient and save you money. Make sure there is enough airflow on the ESC.

If you are buying an ESC separately, then I recommend the towerpro 40H for 11$. As its very cheap and does the job.


Thanks Vinay.  :salute:

I have seen the same ESC but confused by reading 'Designed specifically for Helicopters'. But, is there any ESC which do 'something' special for Heli.?

Spektrum DX6i | AXN Floater-Jet


ESC that are specifically designed for HELIs have a governor function built into them, which helps keep the Motor speed constant no matter what the load on the motor. They also support super soft starting of the motors so that the gears wont be ripped off. An Heli ESC can be used as an airplane ESC as well most of the times as they support superset of features that Airplane ESC provides.

I have seen many on this forum using that towerpro ESC on planes more than helis  :giggle: due to its value/performance.



Depending on your AUW (All up weight) , if less than 500gms, you may be advised for checking a slightly lower KV motor 1000kv to 1200kv.

There are many options and the slow KV will have more thrust and less speed.

This is what slow stick needs.

Incase you are planning to use the same motor on faster plan then it is different story.

Attaching comparison of 1000kv and 1500kv motor performance on different props. See how it matches with your design


Hi Hangingtough,

Thanks for details.
Yes, I have such a plan. First try the slow stick and later try some plane.

Spektrum DX6i | AXN Floater-Jet


hi to all the members of rc india here is my slow stick pure made from the scratch .the fuse is made up of the antenna aluminum rods and the wings are given the support by the stands made up of the salvaged don't throw up any thing and more over the wings are strengthened by using the kite bamboo sticks.



how much is AUW and what are the wings material.


Hi Sorav,

Good work. Let us know the details, like plan, electronics etc.

Spektrum DX6i | AXN Floater-Jet


Sorav - Looks like you can use a whole lot bigger wing span. Nice plane :thumbsup:
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


hi to all the members of rcindia .The material is 5mm depron and the AUW is about 350-400 but i can reduce it further by80 gms using the 19gm hextronic motor + nanotech 460mah. right now i am using 2208-1400kv,3s-1000mah turnigy,18amp esc,gws6*5 prop,2-hxt9gm servos and for the aerofoil i have scratched 4-5 lines firstly using a fork(slightly heated one) then i have given it the proper shape using the hair for as the plan is concerned i have made the wing from the blue cub plan rest all is trial and error.For the electronics  i would like to thank Anam aggarwall for helping me in geting the stuff.


Thanks a lot anwar ji,i will definitely modify it and will try to build a bigger wing.


Quote from: SORAV on July 20, 2010, 12:08:30 PM
For the electronics  i would like to thank Anam aggarwall for helping me in geting the stuff.

Your welcome Sorav... Thank you for being such a good buyer... very reliable...