more pictures coming soon
(http://[img][img])[/img][/img] elevator
all okay with the pics??
rudder completed
elevator and rudder completed(http://[img])[/img]
dry fit!
Great going !!!! What material r u building it with ?
hot glue and styrofoam
left wing completed
sorry for not mentioning. this is my entry for the 2014 Sweepstakes.
wing completed
dry fitting (//)
wings installed(glued)
this is how the the plane looks like right now.
17th, march
servos and control horns installed
testing controls of the plane http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5Whrt1Jekc#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5Whrt1Jekc#ws)
Good going Suvansh.
is it also with Swapable pod ?
this so cute plane!!! loving it!!
yup its is
Reinforcing the fuselageg
i hate the sides of these kind of planes without any support and even of the FT 3D!
What weight do you think you would finish at, and what power pack (motor, prop, battery etc)
power pod completed (//)
around 1.5 kgs
painted, detailing to be done!!
!.5 Kg is seriously heavy!!
Sorry, it looks like this website isn't working on my PC. I'm logged in on my phone.
Sure it is heavy, because here in Jaipur it's windy these days and I have all light weight planes and I want to fly even in bad conditions so I dicided to go with a heavy one.
I went on the testing of this plane and I flew It. I don't have the video because this was not my final flight though it crashed. I have to order one RCB 7x rx, because I think it jammed the elevator when I was doing barrel roll. The plane is wrecked, the main damage is done to the wings but the fuselage is undamaged. I still got a month left so I can work it out!
I am unable to post the pictures from my iPhone as the site is not working on my PC
So here's the link to to flite test website on which I have created the article on this plane with pictures After the crash
You can see them
http://flitetest.com/articles/strengthening-fuselage-built-crash?preview=1 (http://flitetest.com/articles/strengthening-fuselage-built-crash?preview=1)
I just hate this website!!😠😡😤
Am I blocked or something?
Damn this site and damn this sweepstakes
Can't upload anything. Can't even open it on my PC
Writing this from my phone!