What is the simplest foam plans that you have built or you know of on the net ?
I am guessing a flat sheet with a tail and dual elevons at the back would fit the description.
Please point to sources/plans.
hi anwar
if you are asking this question from newbie point of view then there are lots of plans available on the net and most of the material used to build these plane is available in India but the most important of all is the cost of electronics that put off people from going via diy stuff.
I guess I am looking for minimum amount of cutting and gluing (minimum amount of foam parts).
Yes, there are tons of plans, but many are too complicated, with many many parts of to cut out.
I guess I am looking for one that looks like an RC Kite.
Of course a flying wing is another option; but they have to be pretty big to work OK.
Hi Anwar,
I was looking for some plans myself and i came across these websites..
hope this helps ?
atul g.
Dear Anwar,
i made my RC flying carpet with least complexity and ease of reparing also. it resembles RC kite. pls have a look at it and comment. if it suits the criteria for simplest foam plans, i may also create a plan of my model and post it here. http://www.rcindia.org/self-designed-diy-and-college-projects/rc-flying-carpet-)/msg4504/?topicseen#msg4504 (http://www.rcindia.org/self-designed-diy-and-college-projects/rc-flying-carpet-)/msg4504/?topicseen#msg4504)
From the links posted by Atul, here is one that seems to fit what I was looking for.
Akash - Please post your plan, it would be useful anyways.
Hai anwar bhai.. the design is cool but where vl i get depron from??.. Are there any substitutes??..
Seek (ie, "search"), thou shall find... ! :P
The simples will be a coro plane called Mugi:
This requires folding the Coro like a paper plane we used to do in school.
This can be adapted to 4 mm bio foam by beveling the ends of the top and bottom sheet of the leading edge and sticking with tape.
This site has some neat indoor and outdoor plane designs. I recently got a stack of foam plates that I intend to use for these builds - http://www.flyelectric.ukgateway.net/indoor.htm
This is one of the simplest
Both Ashta and me have tried it .
The only word to describe it is superb.
Quote from: rcforall on August 09, 2009, 01:00:08 PM
This is one of the simplest
Both Ashta and me have tried it .
The only word to describe it is superb.
here is the video. i made this using 3mm coro
heres a very simple funflyer...designed by Sandeep mathur ...flown by me
No plans or any such reference .. he simply cut out some foam and put the electronics on it :)
powered by a 2212/13 .. 3cell lipo ..
Yeah to lovely ho gaya dost {:)} ;D
seen this video after a long time. Thanks........!!! {:)}
The video from the slow-stick is pretty neat, possibly could have filmed yourselves flying the plane as well.
hi ,
heres another simple flyer... maidened her today ..fun to fly ...can be used as a car if you are tired of flying :)
took an hr to build .. based on the SKYCART from rcgroups
will paint her today ...
Nice one...............some thing new from you........... {:)} {:)}
hi Sandeep,
you should see her... will get her this saturday ..have a go at it
awesome {:)}
Have you made it to these plans :
definitely.......will come this Saturday for Flying.......... :)
yes sai...from the same ..