smallest wing span suggestions please

Started by romanxdsouza, March 01, 2013, 10:42:44 PM

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can anyone tell me what is the smallest  wingspan  :headscratch: for a  very very slow flyer plane with these electronics which weigh close to 117.7grams.... not more than 28inches wing span i hope as no big ground in my area :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: ,want a very very slow flyer

prop 8 x4 -5grms
Turnigy 2204-14Tmotor 20grams
Magic Speed Brushless ESC 18 A,Dimensions: 34 x 22 x 7mm Weight: 18g
battery 800mah 7.4 50grams
r6106hf futaba recievers Weight: 0.24 oz (6.7g) 4.8 - 7. 4V
total= 117.7


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make it like those helicopter planes, with a rotor on top but with deflectors which deflect the wash and propel it forward.....


not into heli type, something simple,stick types my fav,and slow flyer .......wing span :headscratch:


You can go for 24"x5" wing. Check my AUW 400 gm plane that completed in 220gm.
9 gm servos with wire and horn weights appx 11gm. Prop 2gm, Pushrod 3gm, + Airframe weight.
So, make it like slow stick with 4x7" = 28" like \ _ _ / with Al. bend wire (Dihedral wing).
Insted of stick, make coro fuselage just sufficient to fit all electronics to make it thin and less weight. Adjust CG first by adjusting wing position with rubber band and then make fixing dowel position.

Just have a try. And believe me, go to a large maidan to test the flight. You will be amaized the flying comparing your local ground. Search for a nearest empty field preferably after cutting corn just ensure 500mts open at least.
We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


If u r so sensitive with grams use 10 amp esc for 2204 motor .....its enough and it will save 10 more grms.


kalyan sir,were is ur post AUW 400 gm plane that completed in 220gm cant seem to find it .thats a great idea coro fuse let me hunt for it here,


Here is the link. And for plan click Here in the first post.

But why not find ? Use the process. Advance search just give me the two result.
Steps are given for future use.
We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


thank u kalyan sir, i did nt know about this search


thank u kalyan sir and arun i think im ok with 24ws for this set up just need some practice flying and a big ground,this is the video of the 24ws stick plane madien had a crash only fuse broke so made new stronger one,what would be the max auw for this size plane 


this is another crash i feel the contrl surfaces are too responsive ,change wheels as well after this crash any suggestions


Slow Flyers require very light wing loading, like a glider, something like
11g/dmĀ²  (3.6 oz/sq.ft).
A 24" wingspan with your stated AUW wouold mean you have to fly it like a warbird to keep enough lift. Either use lighter motor, ESC, lipo, or increase youe wingspan to 30" or more. 

you can copy these specs of a GWS Slow Flyer:


you can build a NUTBALL  the best plane to fly in allmost all kinds of situations like small space of super slow speed or as a night flyer...


plane lover


good design arjun will try it after this plane