successfully flown micro airplane thread only

Started by romanxdsouza, September 18, 2013, 01:22:09 AM

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let make this thread just for micro airplanes.....yes airplanes only

-please  post  link to your micro  scratch builds only  here, so we have all these small little gracefull beauties in one thread and are friends who want to get into micro can also refer here.
-remember successfully flying  video and micro electronics is a must weather geared,brushed,brushless as long as its a micro motor
- wing span size doesnt actually matter as long as its micro types using micro electronics
-  fast slow what ever is fine but should be a success micro plane  with videos of it flying being a must and pictures if any
-a kind request please please only your successfully flown micro airplanes built by you
-please dont make us refer to someone elses build or forum ,should be your own build and hard work

........micro pilots  :bow: :bow: :bow:please add your links and help :help: this micro thread ...and us to know more about micro.....thank you


Roman I want to source micro electronic provide th list pl


Quote from: iwincar on September 18, 2013, 03:13:00 PM
Roman I want to source micro electronic provide th list pl

iwincar even i have never built micro,i guess we dont have any successfully flowm micro planes here,even im waiting for are fellow members  to guide us by putting there building threads here so we can see the videos, see the flight characteristics get an idea of the build and then decide wing span....etc and build with there help....... seniors,micro pilots please contribute



Roman your planes have distinct personality  {:)}



this is one of my early build EuroFighter, way back in 2010, when i was in Airoli, Navi Mumbai!!!! had lots of fun!!! WS is around 16" but i think it was less than that....don’t remember...this model is now retired
Hanger: Mini Yak-54| 210 Phantom | SU-47| F-15| EuroFighter|Scrappy|SU 27|Eurofighter|Sukhoi PAK FA
Blade MCX| Blade CP PRO
JR XP7202| DX7


very nice ash great build n flying ,this thread will help us get all the micro pilot and builders in one thread so we could help  :help: :help:each other out if need be. let see how many of us actually put hard work :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: in building and flying rather than just buying a RTF or ARF which i have never braught


here is my balsa snail built of balsa and vegetable plastic bag ....any comments good or bad please post in this thread here'the-balsa-snail'/msg161060/#msg161060


Roman can u tell a source of electronics and motor to buy from



Here is one of mine 16" span
wings and tail surfaces made of foam,
Three channel RC


Saikat Da. That's a beautiful model.  {:)} {:)}

@ romanxdsouza adding link to one more thread.


saikat can u post videos please please check post 1,the plane looks real good like the  hangar rat type


it would be really nice if rc india had a seperate heading for micro and slow flyers  in the rc models- electric plane  section so it would be easy for one who wants to get into indoor and slowflying



Today might be a great and wonderful day. It depends on you.


no prob sahil aslong as it flew  {:)} {:)} {:)} and you have a video  :thumbsup:







Cant belive this no one else with any sucessful micro airplanes ..........on this thread...waiting to see some more on here.....with some good videos


Hello Roman,

After we spoke i did venture into Micro here is the Pic. It flies nice and stable.

Pics for ref.