Sukhoi Su-31 - 3D Foamy

Started by findvikas, November 18, 2010, 02:42:37 PM

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While I put my thermocoal P51 build/repair on hold, I decided to start from scratch and start with the bio foam. Its more durable, light weight and the plane profile is itself very much glider like to help me learn 3d flying.

I took the plan from this thread

I resized the plan to get the following dimensions after the cut

Wingspan: 700mm (27.55 inch)
Fuselage length: 610 mm (24 inch)

Planned electronics:

TURNIGY 2204-14T 19g Outrunner - Capable of 240-260gm thrust

Mystery 12A Brushless Speed Controller (Blue Series)

3 x HXT900 9gm Servos

Rhino 610mah 2S 7.4v LiPo Battery

Spektrum AR6100E 6CH Reciever

Prop: Not finalized but most likely this one...

GWS EP Propeller (DD-5043 125x110mm) 5 x 4.3

The foam is amazing and big enough to make 2 such planes from 1 sheet and still have some left over. I attached a pic of remaining sheet after I cut the plan. The CD is placed in the pic for size comparison.

Next thing is I need carbon fiber rods and fiber tape... any good alternative for both?


I did a before assembly weight check, bare kit + 3 servo + 610mah batt. + esc + motor was coming to 150-155gm after including the remaining push rods, fiber tape & carbon fiber rods.. I am expecting it to be near about 180-190gm... with a motor capable of 250gm thrust I dont think it will be any problem... lets see


this looks neat!!!!

i have little doubt abt motor!!!! dont trust those numbers

i built 25" yak out of 5mm biofoam and used C20 motor from HK with 2slipo and 8x4 prop, it was just enough, but when i installed CF2812 with 3s 800mAh lipo, it fly like real 3D bird!!!!

try using 5gm servo, i used these on my yak!!!

all the best


Hanger: Mini Yak-54| 210 Phantom | SU-47| F-15| EuroFighter|Scrappy|SU 27|Eurofighter|Sukhoi PAK FA
Blade MCX| Blade CP PRO
JR XP7202| DX7


And its completed with all electronics and carbon rod. I went to RCDhamaka's office and had a nice interaction with Karthik & Sanjeev there... lovely people and nice collection they have. Learned some lessons, was a good evening overall. ok back to plane, I bought Fiber tape & carbon rods to complete my plane.

I had to use little different setup this time than my P51, I used 4 servos instead of 3 as the tail elevator is single piece not two. I am using Elevon setting on Dx6i for elevator/aileron mix and then mix 1 is set to elevator + Aux channel. Tail servo is attached to Aux channel.

Any better solution for electronics setup? I am using OrangeTX ... my prop saver bands are lost somehow :( so used normal rubber for testing and for sure I could not push all the way up. Will need to wait till I get prop saver bands to do a test flight..

Can anyone in BLR land me some to test it over the weekend?


Yeah... I have used lots of fiber tape to make leading & trailing edge. Its awesome quality tape, I might order some more.


Quote from: findvikas on November 19, 2010, 04:26:31 AM
my prop saver bands are lost somehow :( so used normal rubber for testing and for sure I could not push all the way up. Will need to wait till I get prop saver bands to do a test flight..  Can anyone in BLR land me some to test it over the weekend?

We get replacement prop-saver rubber bands from shops that cell parts for carburetors of cars, etc.  They are known as "O-rings", and come in different sizes.  Remember that even though they look stiff, they can stretch quite a bit if you use something like a screwdriver while installing it over the prop.

BTW, why do you need elevon mixing on a plane like this ?
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Quote from: findvikas on November 19, 2010, 04:26:31 AM
And its completed with all electronics and carbon rod.

Looks cool...When r you planning to fly it. I need to check your Dx6 transmitters features also, couldnt do it last time..We plan to go tomr morning for flying..


Can we go on Sunday instead? I have a little get together at my place tomorrow so cannot go tomorrow morning. :(


Nice Build!!!

I'm building lil-ripper to fly this weekend, will be ready by sunday,
so if u guys are talking abt going to E-city ground to fly, i can come on sunday....

BTW, I was at Infy today and tried to check out the area marked on the map but it got dark by the time i went there...
Spektrum Dx6i | Blue Baby |  Fast Cat | TB-20 | Speedy | Lil' Ripper| Little Elley| PT-20 Ryan | Delsoro - SAE Heavy Lifter | Hiller 450v2|2x AXI 2217/2|2x Castle Creations- Thunderbird 54A| 2x Thunderpower RC Lipo 850mAh 65C| 10x Futaba s3114

SAE Aero Design West- 2011
1st Place Highest Payload Lifted
2nd Place Operational Availability


I think foamy was talking about going to hoskote lake bed.. join us there if you can... its superb area for flying with high grass too so that you wont damage anything on crash. Where you stay in BLR?


I also bought prop savers from Sanjeev recently...i guess i have an extra O-ring with me, u can have it for testing no prob....
I stay near familymart or metro on kanakpura road...or usually hanging aroung in jayanagar...
Spektrum Dx6i | Blue Baby |  Fast Cat | TB-20 | Speedy | Lil' Ripper| Little Elley| PT-20 Ryan | Delsoro - SAE Heavy Lifter | Hiller 450v2|2x AXI 2217/2|2x Castle Creations- Thunderbird 54A| 2x Thunderpower RC Lipo 850mAh 65C| 10x Futaba s3114

SAE Aero Design West- 2011
1st Place Highest Payload Lifted
2nd Place Operational Availability


Be Inquisitive


Quote from: anwar on November 19, 2010, 06:50:29 AM
BTW, why do you need elevon mixing on a plane like this ?

I realized you were right, so I used Y cable instead to get the same effect. and I saved 2 channels on the RX :)

Here is how the setup looks now...

Left + Right wing servos attached to a Y cable then go into Aileron
Tail Elevator servo connected directly to elevator channel, same with rudder servo.. connected directly.

Now I want to add some flaps on the 5th channel using flap button.. I can mix Flap=>Aile but it act as aileron (one side up and other down)... any way to do that... I do not want to use elevator (on tail) for flaps which is easy to do. Please suggest


foamy... did you go today? If not then lets go tomorrow, I need to do a maiden of it.


After couple of dry runs and few motor tests (hand held).. I realized that 2C was not giving enough thrust to this motor on 12A ESC. hmmm. the ESC supported both 2 & 3C and so does the motor.. time to upgrade :) I changed the battery to 610mah 3C instead of 610mah 2C and what a difference... this thing should be able to do vertical (might not be unlimited but maybe few). The only problem I have this time is that the motor gets little hot (more than warm) after couple of minutes of flying at full throttle.

Ahh... for prop saver, I used a very good alternative.. I had couple of latex balloons ( yeah you guessed it right, the life saver too) and cut the top ring out of it. with 3 folds it is just a snug fit...  you need to make sure that you soak up all the lubricant of it before using as prop saver.

Test video will be up soon, still uploading.


One side effect, checked the AUW and it has reached 260gm.. far ahead of my expectations... boo :( I used too much carbon rods and tape I guess.. but I wont compromise on the strength of this even if I have to upgrade the motor. I will do a test flight with the same motor for now.


The video upload is giving me some trouble... will try again in some time.. This is the color scheme that I am planning for it... lemme know if you think its eye catchy... or if you like something else is better then please suggest with link...

PS.: I guess my color skills have not changed since primary schooling.., this design made by me in past 5 minutes :)


Quote from: findvikas on November 20, 2010, 06:32:35 PM
foamy... did you go today? If not then lets go tomorrow, I need to do a maiden of it.

Hey let me know if you guys are going!

Hey the colour will look good but would be nice to not use yellow - just to make your hanger vibrant (all your models have a lot of yellow) :D

(Yellow with black) or (red with black) is a nice combo. Uploading some samples. Just my thought.


Quote from: findvikas on November 20, 2010, 07:22:23 PM
The video upload is giving me some trouble...

Can you guys wait for just 12 years for this video upload to finish up? I am sure it will not take much time.. :) oh yeah this is advanced video uploading


What the hell!!!!How is it so slow?With an unlimited connection(read slower than the 2GB plan),I can upload videos quite quickly.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Here it is now...

This is on 2S, big prop... heat up the motor pretty quick... need to reduce the prop size. but after the size reduction it was not giving enough thrust so upgraded the lipo to 3S...

upgraded video soon


Quote from: iamahuman on November 21, 2010, 09:48:47 AM
What the hell!!!!How is it so slow?With an unlimited connection(read slower than the 2GB plan),I can upload videos quite quickly.

It was some issue with youtube only or maybe FF. Now its working fine... uploading the second test video after upgrade..


Test # 2 - With 3S lipo.. AUW = 260g, dual rate config for 3d or normal flying.


Quote from: findvikas on November 21, 2010, 12:17:34 PM
Test # 2 - With 3S lipo.. AUW = 260g, dual rate config for 3d or normal flying.

I think control throws are too high. Did you do a maiden. Were you able to control it.


Here is the Maiden flight video and some 3D flying :)

Watch in HD if you like.