Turnigy Motors problems....giving jitters not starting..

Started by VIPIN_KUMAR, March 20, 2016, 01:44:27 AM

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I have two motors.....
Turnigy 2836-1100 kv motor-this is giving jitters while running and gets cut off at full throttle...it has sustained few crashes....sometimes it runs normally....
Turnigy 2826-2200 kv motor-this was kept unused for past 2 years now when i am putting it to use it is not starting...giving jerks..motor is in excellent condition physically....

Any suggestions for repair?


Connection problem
Resolder bullet connector
Or check is any wire brokne


Thanks for your reply...

For 2836-1100 kv...This has been used for multiple flights. 2 weeks ago it started giving jitters. I could see that the wires were cut...instead of 6 strands only 2 strands were carrying current. This was for all the three wires. I opened the motor, cut all the wires and soldered them. The motor ran good for two more flights.was running fine.

But now again it is giving jitters.
Checked continuity also with Multimetre. Result is ok. I will try resoldering the bullet connectors.

2826-2200 kv-This has never been used. I mounted this on my Su-37 and to my surprise it was giving jitters. Motor was lying idle for the past 2 years. Opened the case. Physically its ok. Continuity is there. Wires are in good condition. I will try to resolder the bullet connectors.



Are you using same esc for both motors?
If yes check esc's wires which go to motors.
If no follow above reply
Tanmay mathur


Thanks Prabal..Tanmay... :hatsoff:

Yes I was checking the two motors with the same ESC (HK 25-30A). I checked the motors with other ESC-Redbrick 50A ESC and both motors are running good...

I removed the shrink wrap of ESC (HK 25-30A) and checked the connections..connections to ESC were ok..then I checked the bullet connectors of ESC..one of them was loose..I resoldered it..now 2836-1100kv is running ok with this ESC but 2822-2200kv is giving jitters as before..

But 2822 is running good with Redbrick ESC.. ???

Should I resolder the bullet connectors of 2822? Will it help.
..but it is running fine with Redbrick ESC.

kiran rc

Quote from: VIPIN_KUMAR on March 20, 2016, 04:36:16 PM
Should I resolder the bullet connectors of 2822? Will it help.
..but it is running fine with Redbrick ESC.
Resoldering isn't required as it must be a problem associated with the ESC timings. Few of the motors wont run with some of the ESC's.
P.S Could you provide the link of 2822/2200KV?