very new to this :) need some advice

Started by max_rockzz, July 30, 2010, 01:32:40 AM

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its just yesterday that i got to know that rc plane flying is not just a hobby, but rather a passion for the rc pilots  ;D :salute:

btw I'm very much new to this thing, n coz my budget is really very tight right now, m thinking to get some cheap stuff for now, n will switch to better ones later (after i'm done with all the crashing period :D)

to start off with, i looked for a nearby toy shop, the best i could find was a heli, i'll tell u the specs, experts pls tell me that if it is ok to start with this or not! (i read about the Tx, specs. about the motor wasnt specified)
3channel, 2.4ghz transmitter(for throttle, up/down, right/left)
800mAh lipo battery, that would last for 15-20 min

that is all i could understand in that :(

also can u tell me, that if somehow i crash it badly, n body is damaged, can i use the components of heli (Tx/Rx, Esc, motor, servos, etc.) for making a scratch plane???? ;D (:|~ ;D

actually i'm more intrested in making one! rather than having the readymade one (but this way m getting cheaper quality...for now)


Hi Max!! Welcome to this All-The-Money-Gulping hobby!

Well to begin with, 80% of the parts in such Heli are 'Use and Throw' in the sens, hard to re-use in other applications (well most of the times, unless you press your imagination too far).

1. You wont find spare receiver for such Transmitter
2. The receiver itself is All-In-One. it is receiver + Esc + gyro all in one. pretty much useless for planes
3. motor , servo etc are again much cheaper to in India now - you can even find them in Lajpat Rai market now!

so rather don't expect the Heli to be a platform for your hobby - yes may be a starting point/
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


hey thanks buddy! ;D
so r u also from delhi?
the part i liked the most in ur reply was "motors,servos r cheaper in lajpat nagar;D ;D
btw what about the rest? not expecting superb quality, but r nice quality Transmitters/receivers available there???


Quote from: max_rockzz on July 30, 2010, 01:56:58 AM
the part i liked the most in ur reply was "motors,servos r cheaper in lajpat nagar;D ;D
He said lajpat rai market opp Red fort which is different from lajpat nagar which does not have any shop dealing in motors,servos  8-) 8-)

Like you i am new to heli flying & bought a heli & posted few question here, read this post.

Heli flying is difficult for a beginner & requires patience, I suggest you buy a simulator hardware which comes with a Cd & practice on simulator 1st. I could not find any shop in delhi stocking the simulator but its available online

This practice will save you a lot of time & money.

Hope this helps.


na na i suggest go to karol bagh or lajpatrai market with 2500 rs and buy a 3 channel heli rather than buying a simulator(dont forget to heavy  bargain............... ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;).. ) , fly with fullest dont wory about breakage as they are made with a plastic that can handle much crash , good if u fly in park which has good grass in  morning , i am saying so as i have had this heli and it last long if you buy a simulator it will just a waste of money after you learn how to fly ....hope it eill help as you are a tight budgetry lik me ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


A simulator (good one) is never a waste of money.  It is one of the biggest tools in this hobby, and is a huge money saver.  Not only it helps you prevent crashes by allowing you to practice without risk, it allows you to grow as a pilot by trying new moves even after you are comfortable flying around.

Most importantly, if you love/enjoy this hobby enough, it allows you to "indulge" while are you travelling or if the wind or rains keep your from flying for many days ;)
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Instead of buying sim we can download the FMS n use our tx..So no investment for sim..Anyway the interface cable should be bought..
Mechanical engineer..

Radio:Spektrum Dx6i | Futaba 6EXP | working on coro Avispad | HK450MT kit | Seagull Boomerang 40 | HK 250GT | Upcoming: Easy Star 2 |


Provided your Tx has that interface not all Tx have that option , for a starter a sim is a cheapest option INR 1300/- & the best option I think.


Interesting contradictory opinions  ;D

Now I know why people say you should not believe what is written on forums. You should be familiar with expertise level of the person writing before accepting their opinion. Rc, anwar and xxkrishxx's posts illustrates this. All 3 are correct for their experience level and what they fly, but totally different opinions.


Quote from: RotorZone on July 30, 2010, 07:11:21 PM
Interesting contradictory opinions  ;D

Now I know why people say you should not believe what is written on forums. You should be familiar with expertise level of the person writing before accepting their opinion. Rc, anwar and xxkrishxx's posts illustrates this. All 3 are correct for their experience level and what they fly, but totally different opinions.
Mechanical engineer..

Radio:Spektrum Dx6i | Futaba 6EXP | working on coro Avispad | HK450MT kit | Seagull Boomerang 40 | HK 250GT | Upcoming: Easy Star 2 |


Mechanical engineer..

Radio:Spektrum Dx6i | Futaba 6EXP | working on coro Avispad | HK450MT kit | Seagull Boomerang 40 | HK 250GT | Upcoming: Easy Star 2 |


Hey if you are planning to take this on as a hobby and not just a time pass and if you want to build them yourself sit back and start slow. Start with a chuck glider. You get ones which require only assembly for Rs.150 (some with rubberband power :D). Then get balsa and make one yourself. Then add electronics and use as two channel, then 3 and then 4. So this way as you climb the ladder you will understand how things work, how small changes can improve flight, aerodynamics ets. Then you will be in a position to build better models yourself :) I was told this today by the owner of a hobby shop at ISRO :)
I would like to know what do you guys think about what iv said? :)


BTW, when I said "sim" it is any type of sim (preferably something better than FMS). Dedicated sim box (like the Esky or RealFlight ones), or just using a cable with your existing TX, etc etc. 

Any sim is better than no sim at all !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Rajath + 1! :thumbsup:

My thoughts exactly. That is the way to go about this hobby and that is EXACTLY the approach that we are teaching school children here in the North East.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Great. So the chuck glider i bought today was a good buy :)


Absolutely! post some photos of it and let us have details of this Hobby Shop at ISRO.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


I dont know much, its added to the mega list of RC outlets.
Will post some pics tomo. Too tired now - was standind at isro all day.


okk...i read it all.. n sry, but now i'm even more confused  :giggle:

1.simulator - is it the computer software, that allows us to practise flying virtually? does it come with a Tx? n can that Tx be used for real planes too or it'll just work with the sim??

2. also read somewhere about the trainer, as by the name, i think its also for the beginners  ;D what is it exactly! pls enlighten!

3. chuck glider - airplane model powered with rubber bands! hmm...where can i find it ??? if someone knows any place in delhi, do inform!

4. slow stick airplane - can this be good to start with? i heard that this is really slow(as the name suggests :D) n also floats in air, so kinda easy! also tell me if  it is available at some store/market!

thanks for all ur wonderful support guys!!!


btw i got fms only :(
but i find flying the airplanes very easy, (crashed 3 times when started)
now i dont crash nemore :D
heli seems to b much more difficult! never landed without crashing! (if i buy one, i'll try to hold it by hand...wont crash it :D)


every body forgets about the tight budjet of max


i guess they confused my budget by my name, max!!!  :giggle: ;D ;D

well m xploring things right now...goind deeper into this.
probably i would hold my purchase plans for some time, extend my budget, try to find some good package (good enuf to go along with me for atleast a year)

read further, n got to know that "slow stick" is by "gws" brand, n "mr.moss" is kindof same thing (indian version)...
sry if my interpretations r rong!

btw i was wondering, can i get Tx/Rx combo, 4ch, 2.4ghz (n whatevr basic stuff is needed...i dont know much about it :( ) of, may be some local(indian) manufacturer but of nice quality, (hopefully that would be the cheapest-possible-good-stuff) ??
please if anyone can tell me about this!
to reduce the delivry cost, i'll prefer delhi store/market ;D but even outside delhi offers r welcome!


good to know u r from Delhi, where do u stay, we have a flyng club near Mundka Metro stn, Pillar no 535 on delhi rohtak rd. come down on sunday, I am in Dwarka, hope to hear from u soon, Dont buy the cheapest 4 ch systems that come for 6.000.we just had a crash, the low batt warning came 5 min after the crash, so to my knowledge, the link with the Rx had already broken and the low batt warning should have come at least a min or 2 before that, my advise, buy a Spectrum 6Xi to start with, they will last u ur life time. or futabe 6ch, JR is the most expensive of the lot. Save money else where, not on the Tx, dont eat out, no movies and in 6 months ur Tx will be free. LOL.


you should atleast have 20 k to start this hobby because it is india(custom + shipping +expensive fuel), in us or uk its just a free sport like any other . the best thing is there are many bro out there who sold the used stuff like , check indianrc every day.


Nah 20k just to start? My chuck glider cost 150 :D