120 amps brushed esc for combact robot motors to be used with our 2.4ghz tx rx

Started by cyberhack, June 21, 2015, 09:17:37 PM

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guys anyone who has came across a 120 amp or more brushed reversible esc for normal brushed motors that would be having much more stall current hence need 120amp or more and also it should be made to be used wirelessly with our 2.4ghz tx rx
anyone know how to make it and guide me to the procedure would be a great help we have been using sabertooth till now bt unfortunately its dead now we dont know the reason for the fail
but are trying to make a custom esc for the brushed motors having high amps capacity to handle the stall current the motors would be working on :
24-35v dc
and be used wirelessy

if not reversible atleast one direction esc could help thankss in advance


Which motor are you using? What is the application , combat , lifting ?
Mechanical Engineer


Those are simple Chinese motors rated to be 50 amps or  so combat robotic means for roboware if u are aware of it check robogames


Brushed motor eating 50 amperes . Can you post some pictures showing specifications of motors  or website link for these motors ?
Also , I am asking application i.e. Only On & Off or variable speed you need .

You can use 2 Nos HobbyKing X-Car 45A Brushed Car ESC . They are showing burst current around 320 Ampere for 10 sec.

Mechanical Engineer


Most probably your motor driver stop working because of reverse emf. Brushed motors produce lot of back emf which needs to be taken care of electronically.

Good 120amp motor driver would be very expensive. See here http://robu.in/shop/smartdrive160-160amp-dc-motor-driver-peak-200amp/

I would suggest you go with this one http://robu.in/shop/smartdrive40-40amp-dc-motor-driver-peak-80amp/
Even if you motor tries to pull lot of current this driver will limit it with over current protection. and these driver support your RC rx tx.

Bi-directional control for a single brushed DC motor.
Support motor from 7V to 25V.
Maximum current up to 80A peak (1 second), 40A (5 minutes) or 30A (> 20 minutes) continuously.
16 KHz switching frequency for quiet operation.
Reverse polarity protection.
LiPo battery low voltage warning.
Thermal protection.
Current limiting base on temperature.
Multiple input modes: RC, Analog, PWM, Simplified Serial and Packetized Serial.
On board push button for manual operation.


@jayesh jain thank you for the help bt bro we are  aware of the expensive escs and we had used sabertooth but these arent made for combact robotics :) thanks though will check the escs you linked me to there is a back emf generated in each match as the oppenent bot will obvisuly pin you there are points for that...
we tried using hbridges and  mosfets ckts made by my teammates but they eventually fired due to huge current ..
thanks again well the 160 amps supports ampflows hope they work f9 lets see
still thinking to find high amp escs for combact robotics in india ...


I know about robowars I have participated, organized and won several national and international robotics events.
I am not trying to brag but I am trying to tell you is that i know what i am saying. I have made, bought, tried and sold huge number of motor drivers. This is the best motor drivers we have come across. We are official distributor for these drivers ( http://www.cytron.com.my/distributor ).

I have uploaded 1000hours+ of videos of our robots. We are into robotics since 2007. Represented India four time Internationally. If you know about robocon then you must be knowing about our team MIT Tech Team. We have won 3 out last 6 times where all IIT's and NIT's participate.

http://robocon.in (our team website, i have uploaded huge number of photos and videos)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_Robocon_Tech_Team (our wikipedia page)


thats good jayesh congrats what i was saying is that the esc's arent been used by anyone for combact robotics i didnt doubt your knowledge ... anyways i wonder no one is using it from the combact robotics india group similar to rci we have cri too and they are organizing robogames in india soon we have all teams from india over there and most of them are depended on sabertooth or vectors for making the bot wireless and others are using relay thus there bots are wired recently a ckt made by our fellow mate called r3 is used with relays to make the bot wireless with relays bt inceases the weight as the weight category would not be satisfied we are using such small escs like saberrtooth or vectors .............
also i mentioned in the above comment that the esc you pointed on the cytron website they state it supports amp flow so it should work perfectly f9 but we cannot invest so much to test ;p
hope u get my point we are intrested in developing a cheaper solution than investing 19k for a single motor
hope u get me from the practical point of view as we all in cri have burnt so many escs during the combact  we dnt trust the non tested once in the match each team develops or gets a new brand or come up with solutions and then everyone follows the best bdw i have found some intresting stuff on your website you being a dealer and a robo guy i would like to introduce you to cri on whatsapp txt me on 8097739224 so that i add you there


@cyberhack can u tell me ur team name plz and i knw siddhart nayak im too in cri group




I know it's too expensive. That's why i didn't suggested you to go for it. I guess if you want good motor driver at cheap price then you have to make it yourself. I can give you few tips on building your own motor driver (most of them you might be already knowing).

Only go with mosfets, Don't any h-bridge IC they are too sensitive.
Use free wheeling diode to remove back emf. best would be if you can develop LC circuit to remove noise.
Use opto isolators between your rc circuit and motor driver.

Most of the IC you can get it for free from TI and analog devices as samples.

Let me know if you need any help. I will be glad to help you in any way possible.
I have told Atul to ping you on whatsapp he handles customer support. Atul Dumbre +91 9860119164


yes sir i had a talk with atul well we are choosing a cheaper solution as we already loosed sabertooth costing us around 30k with customs :(
well its  a sabertooth dual motor driver 60amps ( 120amp peak )
it would be great if u could help us reparing  that too ... :)