Is it necessary to use a BEC,for rc planes?can anyone suggest
BEC-Battery Eliminator Circuit
It is used to step down a high volatge(eg.3s,4s..etc.) to a low operating voltage (4.8v to 6.0V).
If it is a electric plane and the ESC has inbuilt BEC then not necessary for a separate BEC unless the servos draw more current.
If it is a glow plane with a high voltage LiPo or NiMh (6V & above) then BEC is required to power the Rx and servos.
If you are Not using a bec then you can power up the receiver through a receiver battery pack...
Most esc comes with built in Bec
Receiver packs are mostly used in the case of Nitro/glow engined planes, or for bigger models as santhosh said..
Does the ESC available from rc bazaar have inbuilt BEC?
See the specs There will be clearly written that it has a bec or not... :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Generally Electronic Speed Controllers used for BL motors, comes with BEC.
currently only 50A and 80A ESCs are available at RCBazaar.