Hello all,
Although I keep checking HK site very often but getting stuck on this one .... i am looking for a motor...
1. lightweight ( <50-60 Grms)
2. 3s capable (<150watt)
3. recommended prop 9x5 on 3 cell ( <1200KV)
4. Generates >600Grm thrust
5. Max current <20Amps...
6. & it is cheap...
too many parameters ..... :headscratch: but its there.... one such type is
want to use it on something like this plane
Anyone has it in spare???
Last night we put AP07 nitro engine on Piper J3 foamie, run time was 20 min, maiden today, will post results, nirto engine on a Piper is not a bad idea at all
You directly pointing to popular EMAX 2822 Motor. 1047 prop will better but 9050 prop will give you 550gm+thrust (1200kv). If 2822 1300kv you have, you have to cut throttle at 80%. Only 39 gm. 2812 motor will give you 600gm+ with 9050 prop but with 2S only, and with 3S, you have to limit throttle at about 60% with same prop for safety.
DST aerodrive 1200kv is also a good choice...
:salute: :salute: