I wanted to ask all of you about what is the difference between a brushed and brushless multirotors. . I had a syma x3 (brushed quad).. which worked quite well but at last it's motors gave up..The quad became unstable.. and it's one arm broke..
So the point is why are cheap brushed motor quads not preferred over expensive brushless motor quads/multirotors
Is it the durability or something else? :headscratch: ???
google it or wikipedia
I want reviews of people about what they think and prefer
On this topic there is enough info in the public domain.
If you really want to know pros and cons of brushed vs brushless motors, you can search, and you will find as much info as you want.
When data is available, why seek opinions?
Quote from: Darshan for multirotors on April 30, 2015, 08:17:25 PM
I want reviews of people about what they think and prefer
Sir as I said before I want to know your opinions.. I have already refered to those pages
In simple words, DC Brushed motors are less efficient compared to a BLDC , this is because a lot of energy is wasted in the brushes itself as heat.
Another reason is Brushed motors cannot be used for heavy duty applications like in our case, it is not stable and efficient at very high RPMs, also lifespan will be very less as Brushes wear out very quickly .
Brush less motor in other case is efficient, has long life span, and needs less or no maintenance at all.
Now, why the toy grade products come with brushed motors ?? - Answer for this lies in the price itself, we get toy grade quad or Heli at low prices isn't it ? - The producers are looking for marketing the product at low costs. if they plan to use BLDC motors they also have to implement some sort of Electronic circuit to control BLDC motors (ESC) - but in case of a Brushed motor, it just need a PWM input to run. Also these kind of products are very light weight, swings small props, and they are not designed to carry an extra payload, Hence load for motors is low.
So here is the Verdict : For small and Cheap application, we use Brushed motors. (In RC field !! )