Can this ESC be used for Tail motor.

Started by ANTA, August 23, 2010, 06:55:16 PM

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Please check this link
Can I use this ESC for my HeliMax AxeCP's tail motor,see the manual
and read from the end of page 13 onwards for the Gyro installation.


Ho Anta,

i have installed Gyro in my e-Flite Blade CP pro, thi heli is almost similar!!!

about tail rotor motor,  i will not sugest this ESC, as its rated current is only 3A and voltage is just 3-5V, you need ESC with voltage of around 9-11V and current of around 10-12A!!

believe me you need at least this much rated ESC for this, i have successfully added Gyro and converted it to brushless!!!!

kindly let me know if you need any more help!!!

Hanger: Mini Yak-54| 210 Phantom | SU-47| F-15| EuroFighter|Scrappy|SU 27|Eurofighter|Sukhoi PAK FA
Blade MCX| Blade CP PRO
JR XP7202| DX7


Great and thanks Ashish for your valuable reply. From where did you get the brushed ESC?

rcforall : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Quote from: rcforall on August 24, 2010, 02:38:18 PM
Based on what Asish has said  this  should suit you I guess :


i think i bought it from RCFORALL only!!!
i dont remember the spec, will chk it & will tell u 2moro
Hanger: Mini Yak-54| 210 Phantom | SU-47| F-15| EuroFighter|Scrappy|SU 27|Eurofighter|Sukhoi PAK FA
Blade MCX| Blade CP PRO
JR XP7202| DX7


Quote from: rcforall on August 24, 2010, 02:38:18 PM
Based on what Asish has said  this  should suit you I guess :


hi Anta,

i chkd my ESC today and it is GWS ICS100Li, same as mentioned above by Mr. Sai. i bought it from him only, i think last yr!!!!

go ahead and have one it will help u in adding Gyro to ur heli.

about connection, u have to connect Gyro to Rudder CHof Rx, and connect this ESC 3pin (servo) connector to Gyro. also connect input terminal of ESC to battery and output to tail motor!!! here u have to make some connector so that u can connect battery to 4in1 unit and this ESC!!! kind of Y connector for battery!!!

one very important point, while connecting this ESC to gyro, this ESC have in-built BEC so u have to remove +ve (Middle) pin from ESC servo connector!!!

for more details u can call me!!!!
Hanger: Mini Yak-54| 210 Phantom | SU-47| F-15| EuroFighter|Scrappy|SU 27|Eurofighter|Sukhoi PAK FA
Blade MCX| Blade CP PRO
JR XP7202| DX7