RC India

RC Equipments => Electric Power => Topic started by: ramarao on November 09, 2015, 02:00:35 PM

Title: Can i use directdrive prop instead of slowfly prop for odin 1200kv motor?????
Post by: ramarao on November 09, 2015, 02:00:35 PM
can i use directdrive prop instead of slowfly prop for odin 2210 1200kv motor...i want to use direct drive 9*5 or 8*4..is there any problem using dd prop instead of SF prop?....please give me suggestions...

Thank you
Title: Re: Can i use directdrive prop instead of slowfly prop for avionic 1200kv motor?????
Post by: subhashjk0508 on November 09, 2015, 02:16:32 PM
there wont be any problem if you don't exceed the max prop size.

Title: Re: Can i use directdrive prop instead of slowfly prop for avionic 1200kv motor?????
Post by: ramarao on November 09, 2015, 04:18:57 PM
thank you subhashjk0508....:)

i would like know where exactly we can use directdrive prop....if you anything please share here......:)
Title: Re: Can i use directdrive prop instead of slowfly prop for avionic 1200kv motor?????
Post by: K K Iyer on November 09, 2015, 06:48:16 PM
Quote from: ramarao on November 09, 2015, 02:00:35 PM

1. can i use directdrive prop instead of slowfly prop?
Yes. SF props are meant for low rpm (like with a geared down motor), DD for direct drive.

2. is there any problem using dd prop instead of SF?

3. for avionic 1200kv motor...
Firstly you didn't mention the battery. A 3s will turn about 15000rpm and a 2s about 10000rpm
without a prop
Secondly you didn't mention the power of the motor, ie max watts. That is what determines the load (or size of prop) it can pull.

4. i want to use direct drive 9*5 or 8*4..
Lot of difference between load of 8x4 and 9x5.
An 8x6 would be closer to a 9x5.

In addition to kv (which is only the rpm the motor will run without load at 1volt), we need to know the max amps/watts and recommended prop size.
After that we can Google for "rc props safe rpm limit"

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Can i use directdrive prop instead of slowfly prop for odin 1200kv motor?????
Post by: ramarao on November 10, 2015, 10:31:37 AM
sorry K K Iyer sir for not providing motor specifications....:( :(

thank you  K K Iyer sir for information....:)

sir actually it is odin 2210 1200kv motor which i purchased from rcbazaar bymistake i mentioned avionic motor

RPM / V - 1200 rpm
Cell - 3 cell / 11.1V
Prop - 10 x 4.6
ESC - 20 amp
Weight (approx) - 45 gms
Thrust - 810 gms
Title: Re: Can i use directdrive prop instead of slowfly prop for odin 1200kv motor?????
Post by: K K Iyer on November 10, 2015, 12:46:52 PM
This may be of some help: