cant choose a motor

Started by Imperial fire, May 30, 2018, 07:18:15 PM

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Imperial fire

hey so i decided to make my own quad....
my main aim is just casual racing (not that i can race worth ssss  :giggle:)
ive chosen the betaflight f4
and 30A speedix esc and a furious 220 frame from BG.

i am unable to choose between these two motors.

ive heard the brotherhobby makes excellent motors and the r3 is cheap . so it looks like value for money.
ive also read that t motorv2 is excellent. and perhaps worth the investment in the long run

however there is a 700 rs price difference between em. i.e 700*4= 2800.

i dont want to buy new motors for at least 1 year. should i just settle for the r3?
has anyone used them?
would love to get a  flyers view.... also there arent many vids on this particular r3 on youtube //so//need help.
words of a experienced guy will put my endless doubt at ease.