CD-Rom motor magnets

Started by viswanathmarachi, April 20, 2009, 12:58:57 PM

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I am Viswanath from banglore.  I am a beginner.  I am trying to convert a cd rom motor by rewinding it and changing the magnets to NdFeB(neodymium block size 5x5x1mm).  But the problem is I am not able to get the magnets.

If anyone knows any retailer in india Please post me the details.

Viswanath Marachi.


       I think it comes in optical lence. You can get it in local china made vcd player. One lence assembly have 2 magnets. Get replaced lence assembly from any tv,vcd mechanic and check it.


Hi rajsigma,

Thank u very much for valuable time.  But it will be a difficult and expensive idea to go ahead with.  If there are any retailers in india it would be much helpful.  I searched in internet for retailers but in vain.  All indian retailers are selling corbon boron magnets and other stuff which will not help my need.

Anyway thanks again for your time.



I'm not aware of any Indian dealers. Some shops in SP rd used to have low temp N30 grade magnets a couple of years back. You can check if they have better stuff now.

Since you mentioned cost is an object, you might want to reconsider this project. You'll get better value for your money nowadays if you buy a motor. The chinese have flooded the market with cheap motors. If you are experimenting and don't mind spending more, then go ahead.


Hi ,
I will be receiving  a sample lot of magnets  next week. these are for those who would like to make or even repair motors.
sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Please do let me know when ever magnet are with you.
Fly high if you have good set of batteries.....!


Hi Viswanadh,
you can import CD ROM Motor Magnets from


hi vishwanath
you can get a  NdFeB mags in SP Road ,There is a shop named Goodwill Enterprises ,ph:+91(80)22221255/22235456/41224344 they are having variety of mags and in different sizes and even cheap hope this will help you! :)
To increase thrust you need more  money! But to reduce weight you  need nothing!