RC India

RC Equipments => Electric Power => Topic started by: asinghatiya on December 14, 2010, 04:27:24 PM

Title: converting ready 40 to electric
Post by: asinghatiya on December 14, 2010, 04:27:24 PM
Hi friends, any may please suggest me that what is the power ststem requirment for converting a ready 40 into electric.

I am using OS MAX .46 AX. My problem is that I have no intention to struggle with an engine but a deep desire to fly. This is superb engine but I am not able to justify its presence on my ready 40.


this motor is said to be subsitute of a  OS 46 engine.

wot should be the ESC, battery & propellar requirement for this?

Please advice me and I will sell my almost new (2-3 flight old) OS MAX.

Title: converting ready 40 to electric
Post by: mpsaju on December 14, 2010, 05:13:50 PM
You will need a 60 amp ESC. You may have to get an external BEC for supplying power to the radio receiver and servos. This is also available with RCFORALLIN.

Title: converting ready 40 to electric
Post by: anwar on December 14, 2010, 05:44:49 PM
That same product page lists a 11x6 prop with a 3s lipo.  Use a bigger mAH lipo with sufficient C.
Title: converting ready 40 to electric
Post by: CrazyPilot on December 14, 2010, 06:04:36 PM
hi i have converted my 46 size plane to electric. my setup includes:-


it goes like a rocket. very nice.
Title: converting ready 40 to electric
Post by: SunLikeStar on December 14, 2010, 06:24:53 PM
The AerodriveXp motors are good. I just got one from VKSingh (TGY AerodriveXp SK Series 35-30 1100Kv). Tested it with a 10x6 glow prop and the thrust was just awesome, way more than my OS .25 la.
Title: converting ready 40 to electric
Post by: rcforall on December 15, 2010, 07:56:26 AM

Hi ,
I have TT Cessna Cardinal 177 60 size converted to electric .

I think the best option for a ready electric would be the 2826( 3548 ) /6 motor 790 KV  with 14.8 V input ( 4 S ) 3000 mah + with  25 c discharge minimum running a 11 x 7 apce prop .
I always prefer using 2 x 2 S in series rather than a 4 S as any damage to 1 battery can be replaced.

Send me a mail I can check stock and let you know.
Title: converting ready 40 to electric
Post by: asinghatiya on December 15, 2010, 09:11:34 AM
Thank you so much mr Sai, can you please PM me the total costing for motor, ESC, battery and anything else required to make it a workable preposition.
Title: converting ready 40 to electric
Post by: vinay on December 15, 2010, 11:37:38 AM
Quote from: CrazyPilot on December 14, 2010, 06:04:36 PM
hi i have converted my 46 size plane to electric. my setup includes:-

Thats a killer setup. But dont u think its a little heavy for the model? Consider that I dont have experience in planes what so ever.
Title: converting ready 40 to electric
Post by: CrazyPilot on December 15, 2010, 06:40:14 PM
this setup can be used on 46 to 60 size models and all types of planes, beginner intermediate or advanced. so its a one time investment. All u need to change is batteries for diff. power output. Its cleaner, quieter & better than glow.  I dont buy single use things. this setup will last long.

PS- Sorry dint read the Ready 40 in first post. For ready 40 use 4S lipo not more than 450 gms. Thx
Title: converting ready 40 to electric
Post by: vishalrao on April 22, 2012, 06:06:39 PM
Quote from: CrazyPilot on December 14, 2010, 06:04:36 PM
hi i have converted my 46 size plane to electric. my setup includes....
it goes like a rocket. very nice.

Can you please post some pics of your model? Basically I'm interested in the mounting of motor. Do you have to use a long mount, so the motor can come forward to balance the CG?
Title: converting ready 40 to electric
Post by: SunLikeStar on April 22, 2012, 07:09:40 PM
this might be helpful
Title: converting ready 40 to electric
Post by: magarwal1 on August 17, 2012, 12:43:05 AM
Specs below used in Ripmax Irvine Tutor 40 II

Has 60% more power than OS.46ax. My nitro plane feel like it has no power after flying this takes off in less than 10 feets .

Turnigy nano-tech 5000mah 5S 25~50C Lipo Pack

Turnigy G46 Brushless Outrunner 670kv (.46 Glow)

HobbyKing Red Brick 70A ESC

Master Airscrew propeller 13x8.5
Title: converting ready 40 to electric
Post by: vinay on August 17, 2012, 08:47:55 AM
What flight times are you getting with that battery? Isnt it a bit heavy?
Title: converting ready 40 to electric
Post by: magarwal1 on August 18, 2012, 01:09:03 AM
8-10 mins WOT flying, 15min mixed flying.I Bring the plane for landing after that. I get bored easily flying trainer. Have put a Turnigy G60 500kv motor with same battery and 15x8 prop on Great Planes U-Can-Do .46 3D ARF .32-.51,56.75"
