Hi friends, any may please suggest me that what is the power ststem requirment for converting a ready 40 into electric.
I am using OS MAX .46 AX. My problem is that I have no intention to struggle with an engine but a deep desire to fly. This is superb engine but I am not able to justify its presence on my ready 40.
this motor is said to be subsitute of a OS 46 engine.
wot should be the ESC, battery & propellar requirement for this?
Please advice me and I will sell my almost new (2-3 flight old) OS MAX.
You will need a 60 amp ESC. You may have to get an external BEC for supplying power to the radio receiver and servos. This is also available with RCFORALLIN.
That same product page lists a 11x6 prop with a 3s lipo. Use a bigger mAH lipo with sufficient C.
hi i have converted my 46 size plane to electric. my setup includes:-
it goes like a rocket. very nice.
The AerodriveXp motors are good. I just got one from VKSingh (TGY AerodriveXp SK Series 35-30 1100Kv). Tested it with a 10x6 glow prop and the thrust was just awesome, way more than my OS .25 la.
Hi ,
I have TT Cessna Cardinal 177 60 size converted to electric .
I think the best option for a ready electric would be the 2826( 3548 ) /6 motor 790 KV with 14.8 V input ( 4 S ) 3000 mah + with 25 c discharge minimum running a 11 x 7 apce prop .
I always prefer using 2 x 2 S in series rather than a 4 S as any damage to 1 battery can be replaced.
Send me a mail I can check stock and let you know.
Thank you so much mr Sai, can you please PM me the total costing for motor, ESC, battery and anything else required to make it a workable preposition.
Quote from: CrazyPilot on December 14, 2010, 06:04:36 PM
hi i have converted my 46 size plane to electric. my setup includes:-
Thats a killer setup. But dont u think its a little heavy for the model? Consider that I dont have experience in planes what so ever.
this setup can be used on 46 to 60 size models and all types of planes, beginner intermediate or advanced. so its a one time investment. All u need to change is batteries for diff. power output. Its cleaner, quieter & better than glow. I dont buy single use things. this setup will last long.
PS- Sorry dint read the Ready 40 in first post. For ready 40 use 4S lipo not more than 450 gms. Thx
Quote from: CrazyPilot on December 14, 2010, 06:04:36 PM
hi i have converted my 46 size plane to electric. my setup includes....
it goes like a rocket. very nice.
Can you please post some pics of your model? Basically I'm interested in the mounting of motor. Do you have to use a long mount, so the motor can come forward to balance the CG?
this might be helpful
Specs below used in Ripmax Irvine Tutor 40 II
Has 60% more power than OS.46ax. My nitro plane feel like it has no power after flying this takes off in less than 10 feets .
Turnigy nano-tech 5000mah 5S 25~50C Lipo Pack
Turnigy G46 Brushless Outrunner 670kv (.46 Glow)
HobbyKing Red Brick 70A ESC
Master Airscrew propeller 13x8.5
What flight times are you getting with that battery? Isnt it a bit heavy?
8-10 mins WOT flying, 15min mixed flying.I Bring the plane for landing after that. I get bored easily flying trainer. Have put a Turnigy G60 500kv motor with same battery and 15x8 prop on Great Planes U-Can-Do .46 3D ARF .32-.51,56.75"