Does Power of lipo affect brushed motors...????

Started by TEJASCOOL007, August 07, 2009, 10:16:24 AM

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HI everybody i m TEJAS,
in my first design i have used a geared brushed motor of about 16,000 rpm...!!!
n have provided the motor with 12 volts dc 1 amp supply (wired)...!!

Now my question to all is ,
Will my motor run n give me same efficiency when i connect it to lipo battries ??????
n why r brushless more prefered than brushed ???????
waiting for quick replies.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
struggle is the only key to become airbone..!!!


Since your Motor takes 12 V DC from an adapter you can use a LIPO .
But please make sure many Brushed motors cannot go beyond 9.6 and would burn out at 12 V .

Sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Brushless are better because they dont have carbon brushes which makes contact with the rotor, hence there are no sparks/wear of the breushes. In a brushless motor, the coil is stationary and the magnets revolve with the armature, hence is smooth and more reliable.
Cheers !!!
+91 7977382130


I fly an easy star and the motor is a basic Motor PERMAX 400/6V. I plugged in a 2650mah battery and everything is fine except the motor gets very very hot after some time of full throttle..

Do you think i would end up burning the motor ? The esc gets a little hot and i thnk tats pretty alrt...

Should i shift to a brushless motor ? Can you guys please suggest me a nice combo ?


Atul G.   


Quote from: atul_pg on August 27, 2009, 02:34:03 PM
I fly an easy star and the motor is a basic Motor PERMAX 400/6V. I plugged in a 2650mah battery and everything is fine except the motor gets very very hot after some time of full throttle..

Are you running a 6V motor using a 11.1V lipo? If so, then thats your problem.

"Anything can fly" - SPADs just prove that!


hi ismail,

yea you are rite...but earlier i was using a 1000mah 11.1v and the motor never got hot..I guess its bcoz of a 2650mah battery...

Would i end up burning the motor ?


Your 11.1V 1000mAh battery does not have enough juice to hold the battery voltage up to 11.1V when you run the motor.  What is the C rating of this battery? I think the C rating would be lesser or close to the current drawn by your motor. That could be the reason for the battery voltage sagging. Or in worst case the battery has reached its end of life.

But your new 2650mAh battery is strong enough to hold the battery voltage up to 11.1V. The C rating would be much higher than the current drawn by your motor.

If you continue to run your motor in extreme hot temperature you will damage the coil laminations. And yes, you can expect the smell of cooked electronics.

"Anything can fly" - SPADs just prove that!


Exactly i smelt something burning in the motor but the motor is still working.. Its a 20c..

Dude you are a legend.. No wonder the brits gave you a job in the U of K... ;D

So what do you reckon ? If you can recommend me a combo would be real great ismail..


Atul G.


dont worry  i have many permax 400 motors with  me  all new, if u need i will send u one fee of cost



Thanks Santosh thats very kind of you  :)

In btwn, did you order the cularis ? Can't wait to see it man.. Am a huge lover of gliders..



Your motor may work but the smell suggests that it is dying. The smell is because of the coil laminations cooking inside on top of that the brushes also heat up.

BTW, I dont know of any combinations off hand. May be Sai is the right person for that. But whatever you choose make sure that the motor can handle that much current. The best way to know is the KV of the motor and calculate the maximum wattage it could handle.

"Anything can fly" - SPADs just prove that!


This may just be an issue with finding a right ESC for your motor battery combination.

Brushless is definitely the way to go though.
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It would do good to have a look at the attachment which gives the specification of the motor you are using with various props and voltages. Perhaps this will give you enough juice for you to calculate the best option for a brushless replacement

Happy Flying



no luck for cularis this time. the main dealer for multiplex in singapore NTC HOBBIES have no stock, so i went for multupilex mentor will be getting it by tomrw, am sure u canu see a mallu flying cularis on the paddy fiellds soon



What we should do is to motivate Santhosh to take more pictures of his activities (I do the same also, always forgetting to take pictures).

A forum like this is so boring if no one posts any pictures of their models every once in a while.  It is exciting for everyone to see !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.



Anwar is rite, we would love to see the pics.. Please put them as and when possible..

Multiplex products are expensive but definately last a long long time..In btwn i just checked ntchobbies and it says cularis is in stock  ;D

A nice video of multiplex mentor..Cool buy santoshh..


NTC HOBBIES malaysia have cularis in stock, not in their singapore shop,definitely put some photos, videos soon
