hello guys..
need help am building a 250 racer quad and have 2300kv dys motors and 30amps esc for them a 3s 2200mah lipo 30c and flysky 6ch tx rx well when i connect lipo the esc and check the motor speed after arming and throttling for 10sec the motors heat up and seems about to burn can any one guide me where am i wrng or y is this ?
are the motors defective or the esc are too much high rated for the motors
give few more details like
what is the size of the motor?
what propeller size are you using?
What is the ESC you are using?
does the motor heats after spinning? if yes then after how many sec it starts heating
Can you touch the motors? that way we can know how much the heat is.
hello sir,
i am using the below specs:
ZMR250 Mini Quadcopter Multicopter Frame Kit
esc are xxd escs
Power input: 5.6V - 16.8V (2-3 cells Li-Poly, OR 5-12 cells Ni-MH Ni-MH / Ni-Cd battery)
Constant current: 30A (Max 40A less than 10 seconds)
DYS BE1806 2300KV Brushless Motor 2-3S for Mini Multicopters
5030 2-blade Propeller Props 50×3 CW Multicopter/ Quadcopter
open pilot cc3d
well i tried arming and on throttle one of the motor gt hot it was very hot i i could touch 3 of them they were hot bt the 4th one was very hot also at this test i didnt mount props it was without props....
The props were off while you were doing this test.
Got it.
The question is, How much time did you allowed the motors to run (With props off) before checking it's temperature (by touching it)?
5 to 10 seconds only
Ok, i could understand one of the motors getting "Too Hot" in 5 seconds
(Due to sorted winding/Faulty Motor)
But i fail to understand the remaining three motors getting 'Hot'.
The temperature raise in those 3 should be almost negligible.
Please confirm.
hello sir ,
i did check them idk hope escs is nt the prb and cc3d esc calibration might be wrng wat is the xxd 30 amp esc setup to be standard esc or turbo pwm in cc3d setup???
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In order to be double sure, Please swap the problematic motor with any from the remaining 3 and check if the issue persists with that motor.
Most likely you will find the issue repeating with the same motor itself which would mean that the motor is faulty.
Do you use an external BEC for powering the cc3d or did you use the internal BEC of the esc inturn connected to the motor which is getting heated?Check the motor with the another esc.Check the connection between wires and connectors. And also check if the bell of the motor is freely moving.Some motors may have defective bearings.