RC India

RC Equipments => Electric Power => Topic started by: rishabhbarma on May 01, 2015, 07:55:26 PM

Title: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: rishabhbarma on May 01, 2015, 07:55:26 PM
I've got two options:
Emax xa2212 980 kV motor
Sunnysky angel 2212 980 kV motor?
Also, suggest me the ESC.
Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: parichya.gautam on May 01, 2015, 08:12:54 PM
I would suggest stick with EMAX and regarding the ESC , 30A SimonK flashed ESCs should suffice ( I have those coming in , if you want you can buy from me )
Title: Re: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: pravesh736 on May 01, 2015, 08:21:28 PM
Parichya, Have u used both motors or seen them in action Atleast??
Title: Re: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: parichya.gautam on May 01, 2015, 08:25:00 PM
im just saying these based on the responses i got. When i wanted to upgrade from my mystery motors, was in a same dilemma. SunnySky Angel were in my sight but was suggested to me that the angel series isnt all that good. So, i looked more and finally decided on the turnigy 2836 ( have on sale now ).

now again in the same stage looking for lower KV motors and got suggested for the emax outrunners ( the guy suggesting was using them ) .

thus my suggestion :)
Title: Re: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: pravesh736 on May 01, 2015, 10:00:52 PM
Ok. I thought so.
X2212 from sunnysky is best budget motor.
That angel series would have been better than the turnigy ones for u.
Title: Re: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: parichya.gautam on May 01, 2015, 10:02:44 PM
2212 yea that they are, the angel, I beg to differ. my turnigy are really good Love them :) Hauls my quad up with 1.8KG AUW at 45% throttle :D
Title: Re: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: Himadri Roy on May 01, 2015, 10:04:22 PM
SunnySky(original) motor are awesome out of the box no issues but even the Turnigy XP 2836 motors are awesome only thing to worry is QC(HK has worst motor QC :banghead:)....
Ignoring the QC problem both motors are awesome(SunnySky a tad better!  ;D ;))
Happy with my Turnigy XP(currently have those!)
Title: Re: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: parichya.gautam on May 01, 2015, 10:05:33 PM
Title: Re: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: pravesh736 on May 01, 2015, 10:08:37 PM
Quote from: parichya.gautam on May 01, 2015, 10:02:44 PM
2212 yea that they are, the angel, I beg to differ. my turnigy are really good Love them :) Hauls my quad up with 1.8KG AUW at 45% throttle :D

That is because turnigy 2836 is same size as Sunnsyky 2216 , u would need angel 2216 then. Noh
And it is also higher kv comparatively with low grade bearings, not so happy with the runtime eh..
Title: Re: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: parichya.gautam on May 01, 2015, 10:11:45 PM
umm i get 15min+ with an 3s 8000mah lipo ... that is not bad ;)
Title: Re: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: pravesh736 on May 01, 2015, 10:14:20 PM
With sunnysky and a well built light quad of 1.5 kg , ud be getting 15+ with 3s 5000 only.
Anyway- if u get to- do try Sunnsyky once. It may change ur thoughts
Title: Re: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: parichya.gautam on May 01, 2015, 10:17:05 PM
1> i have a lot of mods on my quad LED system, FPV, Suspension legs etc thus the added weight.

2> Ahem .. i would LOVE to see a sunnysky angel give 15+ flight time with a 3s 5000mAh lipo  :giggle:
Title: Re: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: pravesh736 on May 01, 2015, 10:22:50 PM
1- I have LEDs(20-30gms) and landing legs made of flexible plastic as I don't need springs and unwanted stuffs. Carrying mobius.
2-The phantoms get 20-25 mins on 3s 5000 using motors worse than angel. I don't know why u say we can't get 15mins with same size motors and same battery.
Anyway - no point I saying so much as u have never seen Sunnsyky.
Title: Re: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: Himadri Roy on May 01, 2015, 10:23:59 PM
Plus Turnigy XP is 1100 kv and sunnysky is 980 Kv so more consumption by the the turnigy and less flight time

(I am not against sunnysky(used them loved them but damaged them too badly, lost them :banghead: :() but they differ in KV so comparison would not be accurate, though agree the bearings are of low quality then the sunnysky :banghead:)
Title: Re: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: Himadri Roy on May 01, 2015, 10:31:26 PM
@rishab if you can spare money for the motors you can go fot T-motors MT 2212 980Kv...yes they will hit your pocket hard! But they are efficient (:|~ and one time investment!
http://www.quadkopters.com/product/brushless-motors/t-motors-mt-2212-980kv/ (http://www.quadkopters.com/product/brushless-motors/t-motors-mt-2212-980kv/)
Title: Re: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: parichya.gautam on May 01, 2015, 10:33:23 PM
pravesh :)

why do you assume that what LEDs you have everyone else too has the same ? ( assuming that you are assuming the same assumption that i am having ), i use Sets 50W CREE LEDS, please dont compare with those :D and the landing I made are all metal with springs, i crash so i needed robust stuff that bends , not breaks XD ( trust me ive played with all the types here ) and yes I use a LOT of metal on my quad ( even the Boards raiser frame is in all metal ) , reduces the after damage costs, it does increase the weight, but reduce the crash damage by a HUGE margin. When it comes to mods, i know my stuff :)

himadri - well yes technically yes, but rishab didnt start the question with who gives more flight time XD you have other factors too to increase that...
Title: Re: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: pravesh736 on May 01, 2015, 10:47:08 PM
I did not say anywhere u have same leds, I mentioned my system. So please don't assume.  I build it light as light as I can. I crash too, but have learnt to do better mods like add flexible plastic which by nature acts as suspension than add unwanted weight.
Title: Re: emax or sunnysky 980 kV motor for quad?
Post by: parichya.gautam on May 01, 2015, 10:48:12 PM
every man for himself then it is :)