RC India

RC Equipments => Electric Power => Topic started by: phanivyas on October 06, 2014, 01:17:35 PM

Title: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: phanivyas on October 06, 2014, 01:17:35 PM

I am using DYS 30A ESCs with SimonK firmware for my APM based F450 quad. Two days ago all of a sudden one of the ESC started beeping continuously. I couldn't able to calibrate it by any means. Tried to calibrate with APM all-at-once method and individual calibration but no use. I have upgraded the firmware (TGY.hex) to the latest version but no use so I reverted back the old firmware on ESC. Is this due to faulty FETs? Is there any way to check them?
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: rohan123 on October 06, 2014, 08:29:23 PM
check your battery ,is this the esc you are using ???
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: phanivyas on October 06, 2014, 08:38:24 PM
Yes! This is the thing I'm using. Battery voltage is good. I have tried with 3 different batteries, same result.
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: kshitij saa on October 06, 2014, 11:14:17 PM
Same happened here hold the ESC upside down and find the ic it is square in shape .press it . then the beeping will stop. Happens bcoz of loosening of the ic legs from the PCB tracks
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: kshitij saa on October 06, 2014, 11:18:38 PM
Try it same happened with me several times b4 .and if you have some knowledge about opening it then cut the rubber remove the heat sink and solder the loose leg on the right track downside .I repeat if u have knowledge about electronics present inside then only open it.
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: kshitij saa on October 06, 2014, 11:21:05 PM
Press the small  block of the ESC gently and if beeps pressure a bit harder
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: kiran rc on October 07, 2014, 07:47:05 AM
Did you use connectors between motor and esc? If then, check the connectors. Sometimes the connections may be loose.
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: phanivyas on October 07, 2014, 08:43:52 AM
If the IC is loose then there is no way I could have reflashed the firmware. I will check for any other loose components on the pcb. The connectors between motor & esc are fine.
Title: Re: Re: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: sachin_k5 on October 07, 2014, 01:00:38 PM
Quote from: phanivyas on October 07, 2014, 08:43:52 AM
If the IC is loose then there is no way I could have reflashed the firmware. I will check for any other loose components on the pcb. The connectors between motor & esc are fine.
Its is possible....  the mcu has several pins and not all are used for flashing purposes.
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: phanivyas on October 07, 2014, 01:52:56 PM
Ok. I've verified the entire PCB, there is no loose chip on the board. I think replacing faulty with new one is the only option left.
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: rohan123 on October 08, 2014, 12:33:59 AM
upload a video ,maybe anybody can help you!!
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: akhilzid on October 08, 2014, 01:45:39 AM
try replacing 3wire signal cable, may that will be the prob
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: phanivyas on October 08, 2014, 07:00:27 PM
As per the suggestions given below I have checked the cables (end to end continuity check with multimeter) & loose ICs on the pcb, but everything seems OK. Here is a short video.

http://youtu.be/cYJe2RDXjfc?list=UUf5IRxNFyCM4F7rn2LWttfA (http://youtu.be/cYJe2RDXjfc?list=UUf5IRxNFyCM4F7rn2LWttfA)
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: rohan123 on October 08, 2014, 08:36:58 PM
try connecting it to the receiver of a tx and then try it if it doesnt work ,you have a faulty ESC but if it does work something wrong with the board.
p.s-if you dont have a tx you can use an arduino(if u have one)
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: phanivyas on October 08, 2014, 09:19:36 PM
I have already tried to calibrate by connecting to ch3 of the receiver. Still it doesn't work.
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: rohan123 on October 08, 2014, 09:21:23 PM
faulty ESC then,buy a new one and if dont get one pm me
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: phanivyas on October 08, 2014, 09:30:39 PM
Thanks. Temporarily I'm using my old Turnigy Plush 40A ESC on my quad along with other 3 DYS SimonK ESCs (mixed SimonK & non SimonK) & reduced ESC refresh rate in mission planner. Tested the quad indoors, so far it is OK.
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: rohan123 on October 08, 2014, 09:35:16 PM
good but using a different ESC may cause problems to the battery(ask somebody first if it is ok to use it like that).which motor are you using??what is the max. amps of the motor??
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: phanivyas on October 08, 2014, 09:48:53 PM
Each motor draws max 15A. The motors are purchased locally (non branded) 2212/15 930KV. I have programmed Plush ESC for battery type: NiMh, Low voltage cutoff: soft etc...
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: rohan123 on October 08, 2014, 10:00:26 PM
you should not even use a 30 amp esc forget about the 40amp(the 30 amp is meant for a 26 amp drawing motor(DYS 1400kv brushless motor)) ,it will harm the motor ,maybe you'll not notice it now but after some time your motor will get super hot and stop working (happened to me while flying a friend's plane) see this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7TK5oyp4j4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7TK5oyp4j4)
you should use an ESC with rating 10-20% more than your motor's max. amp rating ,in your case use a 20 amp (if you want to use a 30amp ,ask somebody else first)
Because you have invested money in your project take all precautions as possible and maybe this is the reason that your ESC failed!!!
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: phanivyas on October 08, 2014, 10:17:27 PM
I thought using a 30A ESC and drawing 15A from it is safe. Pls correct me if I am wrong.

Seriously, I have never heard about motor damage by using high amp rated ESCs. Anyways thanks for the info. I'll search over the internet regarding this.
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: v2 eagle on October 08, 2014, 10:31:26 PM
Quote from: rohan123 on October 08, 2014, 10:00:26 PM
you should not even use a 30 amp esc forget about the 40amp(the 30 amp is meant for a 26 amp drawing motor(DYS 1400kv brushless motor)) ,it will harm the motor ,maybe you'll not notice it now but after some time your motor will get super hot and stop working (happened to me while flying a friend's plane) see this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7TK5oyp4j4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7TK5oyp4j4)
you should use an ESC with rating 10-20% more than your motor's max. amp rating ,in your case use a 20 amp (if you want to use a 30amp ,ask somebody else first)
Because you have invested money in your project take all precautions as possible and maybe this maybe the reason that your ESC failed!!!

This aint true. you can comfortably use a 40A esc if your budget allows even though your motor just uses less than 10A. its like having a 500liters water can in your backpack even if you drink like 2 liters a day. have used a 30A ESC on a motor that just uses 10A!!!. never heats up/buzz. its actually safer to avoid ESC burn outs.

Mixing simonk and non-simonk is seriously bad. even mixing simonk escs of same Amp capacity from two brands are not  recommended. same brand , same model, same Amps capacity, same batch is preferred.

Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: rohan123 on October 08, 2014, 10:34:55 PM
it only applies when you use a different prop or change some settings but everybody knows that these things are unpredictable so it is better to stay on the safe side ,i told you my experience and even when we went to the seller and told him your motor stopped in middle of the flight, he said "the motor and ESC you bought were not in a combo and were of different brands so you should have rather bought the one ESC given by the company " and after that i bought this motor with the ESC that was made for it...
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: v2 eagle on October 08, 2014, 10:46:18 PM
So its the seller who played trick on you. any brushless ESC of higher capacity than the motor should work on any brushless motor on lower capacity. there isnt any combos in Ideal world. and there is some other reason for motor stopping in mid flight.

Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: rohan123 on October 08, 2014, 11:00:24 PM
sir the motor we used had 12amp or so max rating but as there was a shortage of a 20 amp esc we bought a 45 amp esc and after the plane crashed we took all the parts that were working including the esc ,which my friend used in his next project with a motor of max. rating around 35amps and it worked fine ,i dont know it was the seller or the esc that caused it but after seeing the video(which i mentioned above) we used an esc close to the max. amp rating of the motor and since then we havent experienced a problem ,and about the combo companies make combos after alot of R&D and are made for specific products ,every 30amp esc might not be same but it is safer to use an esc close enough to your motor's max amp rating as it doenst harm the motor plus has a greater capacity than the motor
i advised him because it is his money on the line ,if the quadcopter or what he is making crashes it will be his loss not ours
i know you are an experienced member of this forum but im commenting using my experience
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: phanivyas on October 08, 2014, 11:10:10 PM
I thought of getting a set of 4 ESCs of different brand later so temporarily I've used my old Plush ESC which seems to be working fine. I didn't have a complete flight with it yet. I saw the same brand esc on clearance sale in this forum, let me check with him.
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: v2 eagle on October 08, 2014, 11:35:18 PM
Can you assure that its the 45A esc on a 12A motor is the only reason for a crash. lot can go wrong leading to crash.
R&D? Its safer to use a higher rating than the motor rated for than getting close to it since there will be a spike in input current during start and the current will reduce gradually as the motor speeds up on no load. and might get lot of issues like ESC trips with a lower ESC.
nevertheless, its not adviced to use different rated esc on multicopters.

Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: rohan123 on October 08, 2014, 11:53:03 PM
sir everything else was used in the next plane my friend bought, only the motor and ESC were removed ,we bought the same plane(we just replaced the electronics,we took out the 700mah lipo and placed a different lipo ,he even balanced it and after the crash it was only the motor that was damaged) and im advising him to use a 20 amp esc not a 15amp (it should be enough) but as he has invested in 4 30amp ones he can use them but with caution...ultimately its his choice
p.s-R&D(research and development)
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: phanivyas on October 09, 2014, 08:44:15 PM
Today I had a successful flight with this setup. It was about 10min duration. There was no sync issues, motor overheating or any others. It might be due to reduced ESC refresh rate which I have set manually (although not sure exactly). I just wanted you guys to know about this. Although I'm planning for a replacement ESC of the same brand & rating which I couldn't find. Maybe I just have to wait until any LHS stocks this item or get it from abroad.
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: rohan123 on October 09, 2014, 11:35:35 PM
Good.do you want the dys 30amp? If yes pm me...
Title: Re: ESC beeping continuously
Post by: stadsocare on November 25, 2014, 11:07:48 PM
MPU in ESC, find the number on it, and chk the schematic diagram, one must be qualified understanding circuitry in electronic s, in it you will find one of the pin having OVP,Over voltage protection or voltage sense or voltage limiter, here this pin sense voltage of Output or Input,  and if it detects its fixed ratings then you will here beep if provided for trouble shooting,  else good technical guy can solve, well Ican solve your problem but I need a spares for replacement,  you mayhave FET bad or intermediate or leaqs, I can test that with my multimeter, or chk capacitors , chk PCB tracks for tiny cracks , cuts, PCB printed Circuits board,