Hi :hatsoff:,
I plan to use 2 motors on my model (twin-engined).
I wanted to know that can I use 2 different ESCs (1 from EMAX and 1 from HobbyKing) to drive the 2 motors, or would there be a difference in power output from the 2 motors?
TIA :Bow:,
Obviously there will be a difference in their throttle curve, what i have seen so far.
Abhay is correct, you cannot use 2 different ESCs because each ESC responds differently to the throttle you give. Just give both the ESCs one notch of throttle separately and you will notice the difference. Also, keep the motors same, I recommend that you use brand new identical motors.
Hi Abhay & Anam,
thanks for your replies.
As suggested by you, I would be using identical motors, but I can't find the same ESC as the one that I already have.
while I understand that the 2 ESCs would have different characteristics (which is why I asked the question in the first place), how major would be this difference?
Could it be balanced by aligning thrust-lines, rudder trim etc, or would this difference be too large to be managable?
Different ESCs have different features also. Like the end points, both will be having a different software and different calibration against set points. Different ESCs act differently against low voltage or even against Brakes.
If you do not want to risk your investment, purchase 2 identical ESCs. ESCs can be used in future in some other model. Do not risk your model.
i thought it will be appropriate to add this doubt here instead of new thread
where on the radio will these 2 esc will go?-pravinmarathe
You will have to do a bit of surgery on any ONE of the ESCs. (Of course, I am presuming that you are using ones that have a BEC included.) The RED lead from the BEC (again any ONE) will have to be disconnected. Either the wire can be removed from the servo plug or cut carefully. Tape the end. Then use a "Y" servo lead and connect both to the throttle channel in exactly the same way you would a single ESC.
Although pulling out / cutting the middle wire on the ESC should not be a big deal, if you are nervous just use a small servo extension and do the surgery on it. That way the original ESC wires remain "pristine" :)