RC India

RC Equipments => Electric Power => Topic started by: sunk? on August 12, 2011, 02:01:38 PM

Title: ESC fire
Post by: sunk? on August 12, 2011, 02:01:38 PM
hi guys.
I came across this.......just a warning to make sure you'r esc is up to the job......and if like me you use batteries you have to hand..............I have a few lipo batteries from when I flew helis....you can see the lipo explode....
see this.........

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJKuEujTw74&feature=player_embedded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJKuEujTw74&feature=player_embedded)


[Moderator Edit]The subject name has been changed to reflect the content in the original post
Title: Re: ESC fire
Post by: ujjwaana on August 12, 2011, 02:53:44 PM
This is LiPo fire not ESC ? Ain't .... ESC are not on fuel and won't flame that long
Title: Re: ESC fire
Post by: sunk? on August 12, 2011, 03:00:41 PM
hi mate.
the way I saw it .....
the esc burn and catch the boat alight then all else set on fire :)   ??? ???
Title: Re: ESC fire
Post by: ujjwaana on August 12, 2011, 03:29:02 PM
You are right Don sir. i have seen even the ESC wire manifesting into a LiPO fire.. Jest of the story... Battery or Fuel .. they are dangerous mix for a disaster.
Title: Re: ESC fire
Post by: xantos on August 12, 2011, 06:39:08 PM
some of the Castle Ice HV series of ESCs have had a problem of bursting into flames (Large Helis ) with 12s packs.
I was therefore advised to go with the Kontronics ESC for my Trex 700
Title: Re: ESC fire
Post by: xantos on August 25, 2011, 03:00:08 PM
 Castle 120/160HV recall notice on BVM website

 The following comments are based on the information that we have at this writing, 23 August 2011.

 BVM is unaware of any E.S.C. problems thus far in our EVF units in-the-field.  The hazardous problems that caused the E.S.C. recall have occurred primarily in helicopters, R/C cars, and boats utilizing the HV 120 units.  The high inertia forces of pitch changing large rotor blades and rapid acceleration of heavy R/C cars with big tires compared to a free wheeling fan rotor may explain why the problem has not occurred for BVM EVF with the HV 160.
Defective Part Isolated

 The problem seems to be with one component on the control board that the vendor changed without notifying Castle Creations.  From a manufacture's point of view, a defective component from a previously reliable vendor can be our worst nightmare, but it is a reality that we must all be able to deal with.

 With the exception of the early EVF 4010 and 5012 units that used an HV 110, all subsequent EVF's utilize the HV 140 (some 5612's) and HV 160 E.S.C.  All EVF ~2~ 10S, 12S, and EVF ~3~ 12S units utilize the HV 160.  Rapid throttle movement in the lower power range, such as throttle jockeying during taxi, puts the highest demand on the E.S.C. and that is part of the BVM test run on all of our units prior to shipment.  This may also explain why there has been no in-the-field problems with Electric VioFans.

 However, that doesn't necessarily mean it can't happen, so, based on our record of no problems, but taking seriously Castle's recommendation to return all HV 160 controllers, and realizing that the replacements will take time, BVM is going to take a balanced approach to operating our current 10 plane fleet of demonstration EVF jets.  We will continue to fly these models with the added safety precaution of wearing Nomex gloves and Safety goggles.
(see below)

 Keep in mind that our 10 EVF jets collectively have over 200 flights on them in the past 12 months without a
single issue.

 As of 22 August 2011, BVM began returning new in-the-box HV 160 units to Castle such that all new EVF units from this day forward will ship with the ICE 2 HV 160 E.S.C. and be clearly labeled as such.