Facing a very peculiar problem please help

Started by bhaveshsangani, March 04, 2012, 09:05:09 PM

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Mr. Swapnil the current condition of the motor is that the wire is completely turned dark in colour and the armature was hot and i could smell the wire burn.

Mr. Jitendra i have been using this motor for almost 3 months never had a problem before and i still used it with the same ESC and the LiPo.

Probably i am going to rewind it myself. Seems easy as seen in the video.
But need some help getting the right gauge of wire
Ask questions or you will never get the answers.


Swapnil has settled the point whether burnt or not.
But even if you rewind it, it will burn again if you do not find the answer to why it happened in the first place.One thing is sure ,it was over heated , because it takes a lot of temperature to turn enameled copper wire black.



may be due to wrong prop size and pitch..or by wrong timing value of ESC..by adding a simple aluminum circle, just bigger than the motor base with fins helps cool motor even better in high rated conditions.. :thumbsup: