Help needed i delecing a power system for my foamy
guys i just finished building a trainer foam rc airplaine with dihedral
wingspan = 920mm
length = 700mm
weight = 170 grams
its a foamy
please tell me which motor battery and esc to choose
What about these...
1. D2830-11 1000kv Brushless Motor
2. Hobby King 30A ESC 3A UBEC
itll be too powerfull for the plane, and the plane only weigt 150 grams, and moreover its a trainer
how about his power system
Quote from: aviator on January 19, 2012, 09:56:34 PM
What about these...
1. D2830-11 1000kv Brushless Motor
2. Hobby King 30A ESC 3A UBEC
I am using this for my slow stick.
How about this (
Using 6A ESC will limit you to draw 6A at max by your power system. The description of motor you are asking for, says 6A but this could be wrong. I mean the product listings in hobbyking are not always correct, so go with above or any ~10A ESC. This way you will also have an option to experiment in future with higher current power setups too.
The battery looks fine and can draw 10A at max without harm.
Go ahead!!!
And don't forget to post maiden video(If you can).
ya sure, and by the way today i chucked my plane from the terrace of my building that is 4th floor, it has already the servos, reciever and reciever battery, so i flew like a baby, even without the motor :0 . it was like a glider . and behaved excellently in the air.
but i already placed the order yesterday, so what can i do now, i can ask hk to change the 6amp plush esc with this
but do i really need to do that , i mean is it necessary , coz the plush escs are really good , and i have the plush 60 amp esc which is really reliable, and btw the 12 amp esc which im thinking of exchanging with the 6amp esc actually costs 5cents more so, u think they can adjust for that 5 cents?
yeah !!!!!! finally changed the esc to a 12amp one woahoa
If I got you correct, Did you changed the ESC to 12A in your order. That is great! and Yes if the plane is gliding to ground very well, it will fly well, unless you increase weight too much from now on.
hey and what is the Wing Loading of your plane, By that we can also predict the plane's behavior.
Just measure the AUW (Includes weight of everything that is on-board on plane) in "Oz" and divide it with wing Area in sq.ft.
For conversions, 1 Oz = 28.35 grams
And, 1sq.ft = 144sq.Inch
All the best for the maiden.
Hope you will post a maiden video.
ya i did change the esc to a 12 amp one, presently im using a battery pack cosisting of 4 duralcell ones for powering the servos and reciever , so the pack only weighs too much, so when i get the motor esc nd batt and put them on and remove this temporary battery pack , its weight will further reduce by 20 grams which is great, and i sure will be posting the maiden flight video , and most of all thanks for ur help. :)
Its a pleasure to make somebody fly!!! :)
hope i dont crash :D
Are you flying on simulator? It helps a lot to calm down the nerves during maiden.
i must have spent like over 50 hours on simulator
on sim i can do most of the professional stunts but when i went to the field with my previous own built 50 inch balsa plane 4ch, i was sooooooooooooooo damn nervous. my hands were shivering on the sticks, i took off and it went about above 100 feet. and to turn left i gave left aileron, then i noticed that the throws on the ailerons was too much, so it spun to the left, so to compensate for that i gave rapid right, so spun to the right ,then went out of control and came straight to the ground, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> then bits and pieces. ive repaired everything now,nd ive rebuilt evrything now, but i dont wanna risk my baby again into the air with all that fear , so i will fly that one only after doing some 20 flights with this second plane ie foamy
BTW Sumeet , what should be the idle Wing loading for better gliding of a plane.
There is not any specific value for ideal Wing Loading. Just remember, Less the wing loading, More easier to glide.
For a trainer it could be around 5~8oz/sq.ft
Wing Loading as calculated = 3.5 oz / sq feet
so is it good
Great! Too light your plane is. It would be a lot easier to fly than I expected. You are good to go but remember No heavy winds. This is too light and will be too easy for moderate wind gusts to push it in any direction out of control. Now it only depends on power system if it has power and speed to pull you out those gusts. So better, If you are first time flyer, then wait for a light wind situation (Wind speed around 5~8km/hr would be good).
Your plane has the ability to fly slower, So if you can, Fly Indoor in a large Hall and check CG before flight.
All the very best for maiden.
ya ill make sure ill fly in little or no wind . iam only getting annoyed of that fact that my order(from hk) containing motor,esc,battery,etc. is not even packed still. dont know more how long i should wait for my order to come.:(
and btw i didnt use dpron, epo , eps or even styrofoam. i used wat they locally call thermacoal 1inch thick in the local fancy stores :D
and used a balsa strip for the main fuse and many balsa strips for reinforceing the wing and control surfaces
All of my parcels from Hk comes in ~20days from date of ordering. Hope you receive it early.
yeah i hope , thanks
recieved my parcel guys , put everything together up, went to the field, it was very wind so thought of waiting , kept my plane on the bonnet of my jeep and went near the door to get the tx, then when i saw the bonnet again there was no plane wtf!, as the strong gust of wind tossed my pane to the ground.
minor crack on elevator . so glued it up but dint fly coz too windy,
went near my house balcony to do a glide test 1st one went fine ,
on second try i gave a bit of throttle so it was about to fly away so i pushed on the elevator to bring it down and on impact the nose hit the ground, no breakage to the model everything was fine, but the reciever was no longer responding to the tx, maybe the bind was broken, but i tried to bind it , its still not able to bind All i can get however is a flashing light on the rx. It doesn't seem to respond to be pressing the bind button on the Tx.
my radio is this
I have had a look at a few videos on youtube regarding binding this system and their led on the rx seems to flash much slower than mine before becoming constant.
Mine flashes very fast and does nothing else.
so now i plan on flying my plane with my pistol grip 3ch car radio, ill be using steering wheel for rudder. trigger for throttle . the last auxillary channel for throttle so any suggestions
Two controls for throttle ? Guess one of them have to be elevator !
Wow, this would be something! I've never seen an airplane being flown by a surface radio!
Hi dhaksha! Sad to hear about that Rx. Let me suggest you, check if you have inserted the ESC's 3wire pin in correct polarity. The correct way is to insert that small connector in such a manner that the white wire comes towards the labels (Ch1, Ch2, Ch3 ----- Bat). I once had the same problem and I noticed the cause. Also check if this connector is in channel 3 (If you are not using any external BEC). Try it. And I hope you fly soon.
@anwar nd swapnil , ya im using a 3ch pistol grip radio, turning wheel >> rudder || trigger >> elevator || auxxilary toggle switch >> throttle // sry for mistype
@sumeet i checked all that bro but no sign of solution only :( i even cross checked with another esc and battery but no use , main problems with the tx or rx only.
ill never ever go for these cheap chinese brand radios ever again :banghead:
and btw i got my parcel on 17th, so here are the pics
sum more
and sum more
Here are sum pics of the final plane
more ;D
Are you sure the dihedral is not more than its supposed to be? Looks much to me.....
lol dont know about thw dihedral
but heres the maiden video, it crashed into a building as i was carried away by the wind, nd btw i was flying with my car radio ;D
and what are the consequences if there is too much of dihedral
your dihedral is too will reduce lift to a great extent..the dihedral must be between 3 to 5 degrees..
rest everything is fine..just correct the dihedral and you are ready to go..
thanks hitesh ill change that right away :)
any advices for my second maiden guys ?
and btw i need a hk/fly sky T6a v2 6channel reciever, as my present reciever is spoilt, and so that my second maiden will be on an airplane radio, instead of a car radio.