i had lost a component form Hobbyking SS Series 15-18A ESC during a crash... prop hit on esc and threw this comp. away...
unfortunately i wasnt able to find that piece of electronics...
of course esc stop working but, bec is working..
ok so now to know the component, i tear a pice of covering in other same esc.
see attached pic. to make my point clear.
i m not electronic expert, but it seem like a 8 leged opp-amp. named LM78L U(or'O')SACM the first letter on second line isnt clear but its U or O.
now what is this component? where can i get it?
is it possible to get this fixed?
one more thing 3 legs on one side and 3 legs on other side are connected 2gether...
i tested all other parts wit multi-meter, it seems ok to me.
You can get it here.
it is a linear 5V reg. if exact part is not availbale u can use the commonly availble 7805, 220 package, though wiring will have to be done accordingly
thnx... rotorzone and astha...
yea it was simple voltg. reg.
my uncle fixed for me, using 7805....
its working fine...
i saved few hundreds bucks...