Is it possible to connect a simple DC motor to a Radio receiver?

Started by naatumach, February 01, 2010, 10:16:53 PM

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I am working on a project for which i need to make a radio controlled vehicle. The vehicle was earlier designed to run using wired controls. But now i need to convert in RC.
So, is it possible run simple ordinary DC motors using a 72 Mhz receiver or any other self designed circuit?

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'Ordinary DC Motors' = Brushed Motors. If RC circuits can use simple brushed motors then where is the problem?  :headscratch: After all, the Chinese made RC cars are using "ordinary DC motors" aren't they?

Go ahead, I'm sure they will work. :thumbsup:

All the best!

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Guess you are aware of the need for using a proper speed controller (ESC), in addition to a receiver.
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if u plan to make a simple rc car (just like wired one) u can make ur own tx n rx using rf modules.u will also need encoder n decoder.
In these set up the rf link take the place of the wired connection.
If u use a hobby radio set then u will need the electronic speed controller ( ESC ) which is plug into the throttle channel of the rx.than u can control the speed motor using the transmitter.


Hi Vaibhav,

What is the application you are looking for? what is the size (ampre rating of the DC Motor)?

You are looking at unidirectional rotation or bi directional? Do you need speed control also for the motors?

DC Motors can surely be used with the RC 72 Mhz receivers which you are using. depending on application you are looking at electronic components are available which can control the DC motors through RC receivers. Electronic Brushed (DC) motor ESC are available for various capaicty with GWS, marketed by many LHS in India.


agree with all
u need an esc for that motor of the ampere ratiing and u cant  directly connect the motor to the reciever
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


It is possible to connect a DC motor to connect a radio receiver by using relays. But since im not an electronics student so i cant tell the circuit..
Motto: build, fly, and modify.
Prefers working on designs than electronics.
No pre-made plans. Use blueprints, make calculations, build, fly, troubleshoot, fly again.


..just try this out take ur dc motor wires (two wires) and connect it to vcc(+) and gnd(two of the 3 pins .the 3rd pin is coded signal which you cannot use for motors)of the receiver channel and see it  is working or not, the channel might act as a relay ..or better do one thing  all the normal lowlevel  rc cars(27 mhz) rs300 to 500 uses twochannels one for steering and one for engine ALL OF THEM NORMAL TWO WIRE DC (+VE,-VE) take it out and use it directly for your project...


Quote from: vivek on February 16, 2010, 12:13:21 AM
take ur dc motor wires (two wires) and connect it to vcc(+) and gnd(two of the 3 pins .the 3rd pin is coded signal which you cannot use for motors)of the receiver channel and see it  is working or not, the channel might act as a relay

"Oh No........!!!!!!!!!!"   :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o please don't try this. Your motor will constantly run without any control. +Vcc and -Neg is the BEC Direct connection power supply for the servo.

even the receiver may get fried if the current requirement of DC motor is higher.

vivek bad....i'vent tried it actually ..

but if it is for project then he can try 27 mhz receivr..on toy cars those are relly cheap and easy JUST TWO WIRE STUFF....

i've drawn a easy block a toy car with 27 mhz receiver and take it out and connect to ur motors


true,it will constantly run as the reciever power in a 'always on ' state when battery is connected[since because of that when the plane is powered on the control surfaces are stiff as the servo is powered on but in centre position
the 3rd coded pins send signals which are proportional to ur tx and they gives u the control of the planes throttle and control surfaces
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


Quote from: vivek on February 16, 2010, 02:18:18 PM bad....i'vent tried it actually ..

but if it is for project then he can try 27 mhz receivr..on toy cars those are relly cheap and easy JUST TWO WIRE STUFF....

i've drawn a easy block a toy car with 27 mhz receiver and take it out and connect to ur motors
well this thing also experiences many problems i have been trying to do it from a long time[provided u take a rc car and dismantle it]
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


taking it out of the car would be a good idea ..because ...for his project he is just converting wired remote car to wire less so the easier thing would be to just connect the two wires of the dc motor
to the receiver ....the reason is u dont have to buy a tx as it will come with the toy.......but if u want to design and build a tx and rx on your own  i can give u a block diagram but components you have to find them (i struggled to get the components when iwas in my 2 nd year )(considering the time and difficulty in getting components and the difficulty in understanding what does each components exactly do i would prefer  a 500rs car) but if are really intrested in understanding what exactly happens in thhose circuits when you press the button,how electricity flow inside ,how those ac currents getting converted into electromagnetic waves and how those waves are used as signals me it gives u one hell of a joy .....the kind of components you get these days you can create ur own 100 channel transmitters in a very cheap price ,anyways it is not about money ,just the fun in doing those things never stop learning and to add learn just for fun ...a hobby should alwas be fun 


well i will be pleased if u give me the block diagram of the tx.
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


sure ...give me ur email id or something ......
but before i want to know weather u know any thing in designing amplifiers and oscillators ur labs or some where because thy are very important ...the block diagram will be simple and it has AN OSCILLATOR then AN AMPLIFIER then a CHOPPING circuit aVCO ,using some TIMERS (555 ur wish) ..and all channel selection working it out and components are design problems  u have to face....i can explain u the principle simply ..but i want to know about ur technical ability so that i can explain you in some what simplified and best possible way ...c'omon u cant learn every thing in a computer ..could you ...hey but good to see that u are intrested....don't forget ur ID i'll compose a word file or something with block diagram and explaining u somethings in the way i know and from very few things i know when im really free and send u and hey remember u have to put in a lot of work and understanding and make it really work they say u can't reap ,if u don't bend ,so bend your back....   u know the thing is u dont have to know communication electronics digi communications PCM ppm PWM....bla...bla ..bla.. etc all u need to have is intrest ..and with that u can learn all those things ...ok


my id is
it is visible under my profile
and i m a beginner to electronics/robotics however know/can use the things
just give me th plan as detailed as possible
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


cool ..then i'll send u a word file ...preferably whem i'm free of work saturdays.. i scool ,collg working or somethng ...done any thing with transistors resistors 555s ics amplifiers because once once again its very basic in electronics..if you are an electronics student my job will be very much reduced ..but if u don't know then let me know for those i can give you a jist or some links regardin...but you have to learn them ..

"a beginner in electronics is completely different from a beginner in rc" cos if electronics is ocean then rc is like coral reef (the appealing and beautiful part but there are  lot more things in the ocean.....)


well i m a student in class 9th but know the basics of these electronics [spent hours on surfing the net and reading the books for the knowledge of these things]
so i will be comfortable with using transistors ICs etc[made a 1s lipo charger and a led flasher using 555 IC (plan found somewhere on the net) during the past few months]
so as i said i want the plans as detailed as possible
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


9th standard....??...hey i don know how to put things.....
.i belive it ill take you some more time to do things in this level of electronics would have hardly started knowing things in electronics may be PN junction diode (it'll be in 10th)..
.but electronics is a huge the level of desigining oscillators ,amplifiers you should atleast have a couple of semesters in u'r side(may be even two years)
it is not because you need to have that much knowledge or subject to do these it's just the things you learn  from handling things practically just for the know how of know if u were in my town i would've taught you all those things in a matter of months... know thats how life is
...not all things happens as we wish ..hey don't think im discouraging you or've got intrest (that's the most important thing)
..i'm not saying you are not good enough it is just you would'nt 've known certain things at this point ....
..hope you'll have a good physics teacher just go and pest him ask how remote works ,ask wats a oscillator,wats a amplifier ,wats this wire wats that wire ,,just keepon asking questions untill you understand every thing ...because i've always belived (it's a fact) thatTRUE KNOWLEEDGE IS OBTINED ONLY WHEN IT IS PASSED ON and it takes a real good person to teach (or give you that knowledge)
every other way of obtaining knowledge watever it may be reading books studying from magazines ,reading from the net ,getting a circuit diagram and copying it everythings has got their LIMITATIONs you wont learn things completely....the reason i gave you this boring lecture is ,you are a kid and you got time on your side and you should learn  where exactly to look for,for the  things that you want ........and also for apersonal reason that it would'nd've been
possible for me to explain such a complex stuff to suit you  in just a word document...i'm really sorry (you kno i really thought you were in hr sec or in collge...just now i'saw that u've mentined 14 below your  name ..i'should've seen it...)...hey you just carry on doing the application part of electronics it is really inresting ...the fabrication design part and all are boring (but good ) can do them when you are in college or sometime...
and if you are good in the application part of can understand the fabrtication part very easily......


I think you can simply use L293D motor driver IC for this will give a signal input for driving the motor which i believe can be connected to the Rx signal pin of throttle.


Naatu..i am too sad with you, because you are burning your brain for an easy matter, a your problem is you have a ground vehicle, and at present it is controlled by, from now, you want to run it by wireless method. for that, you have a professional radio set..means, a hand held Tx and a receiver..yes..? so, surely, it is not possible to connect a motor directly on such receivers..because, a professional radio system is based on pulse principles..means, a 1, 1.5, 2 micro pulses will generated by a circuit in Tx, as all to your stick inputs. means, when the stick stays in '0" position, the pulse generated by the Tx will be 1.5 m/s..and the servo motor gearbox, is designed to work with the same pulse bases..means, when a servo gets a pulse of 1.5 m/s, the arm of the servo will stand at "0" degree, as we already programmed the working base of a servo, to that. then, when you apply your stick, to any position, the pulse from, 1.5m/s, changes to, either 1 or 2m/, when the integrated circuit of a servo motor gearbox, attain a signal, to 1, or 2, the chip, or circuit corrects the error signal, generated by understand the error signal, there must be a potentio meter within the servo motor, briefly, to operate a servo, you do not need any Rx or Tx..we can make a pulse generator, with simple, why we use a Tx and Rx..? yes, we have to control the servo, remotely..from a distance, in wireless, we must transmit the generated pulse, to the AIR, to the servo..but servo is not designed to receive any wireless, we need an interface, that must convert the incoming wireless signal, to an apropriate working signals..(1, 1.5, 2 m/s)..


so, we made the signals from we want to send it towrds the servo, staying away from, wee need a wireless, for that, we must choose a medium, to carry the generated pulse from Tx, to servo..for that we have many options..easiest and coolest way is for that, is using the invisible RADIO can also use LIGHT, SOUND, HEAT..and more..but, radio wave is very easy to use, and versatile for this, we goes to, AM,(Amplitude Modulation), and FM (Frequency Modulation) AM, there must be lots of disturbances from SAW.(Surface Accoustic waves), the servos always get an unwanted signal, even with a slight sprk, from some where, servos started to works its own..but we can eliminate this by narrowing the band..and aby adding SAW filters..but still AM, is suseptible to signal disturbances..still we can afford SW..(Short Waves)..and one of the coolest option is to use in FM, there is no amplitude, the distuirbances affected by all SAWs are almost, we choose FM, for wireless still we are using the FM..most of us, will run for a TX, and Rx, if it is in to 2.4 makes us smile..while we ignores the modern 2.4 Tx and Rx system uses the same FM transmission principles..still you can see on modern operation mode: FHS( Frequency hoping system), even now we are still on FM..i mentioned these things to clear one can use any radio set to any RCying may be 26, 27, 32, 35,38, 40, and issues.. :thumbsup:


Now you have the radio set..install the all respective batteries, in Tx and power the Rx, and always make sure, while powering Rx, that please make sure at least one servo is connected to Rx..if not, in some time, a surge from a fully charged battery pack can kill the protective zener diode within the such case, you never notice the malfunctions happening inside the Rx..eventually this can lead to a full scale malfunction, it may happens in mid flight, or in mid run, as all needed srvos drops a high current from the Rx protected power line.., ok..make sure all things are working..means, if you have a 4 channel radio, connect 4 servos to rx and make sure all servos are working in proper order..and keep it aside, as switched we have the fully functioning radio set, and a vehicle to operate..with we must drive the motor of the intended vehicle, in to both directions, as FWD and REV..and same while, a second servo, must alter the steering mechanism..ok..? done.. :thumbsup:


So, Naatu, we are almost near to our, here we need to operate your vehicle with a wireless radio set..!!, a little about Electronics..the Science of Electronics is vast as 7 one can learn it wholely, or entirely, even with a span of 10,000,000,00 births..!!! because it is vast as our unknown universe..but still we can adopt all thins for our needs, as we fetch a pial of water from a big cant drink the whole water in a river will flow endlessly..but you can take water from it for your may take a bowl of water from that river for, may be to make a cup of tea..but for an other woman, your neibhour, she may take water from same river, in a big bucket, to make rice and, the need of the water is differ..still the source is that, whenever, we hears about Electronics, we instantly thinks about a PCB (Printed Circuit Board), with ample of components on it as a messy thing to look..and scratches our head..!! but, it is all because of the do not need to scratch your head, while thinking about an electronic circuit..because its all CIRCUITS..means, a path, or a highway, to travel for a controlled manner, as our rail road, while considering an electronics circuit, do not worry..but whatever may be the circuit desgned for, there must be only two things to consider..a VOLTAGE PATH, and a SIGNAL PATH..voltage path is means, the wires connected betwwen components, to carry the battery currnet to all components..and signal path means, a wire network, to carry all intented signals..for an example, your radio Tx must need a battery current to, for this there must be a circuit for that..and it must also send radio signals to Rx..for that it also must be eqipped with some related circuits..i said this all, beacuse of nothing, but, you must need some electronics to make your crafts.. :thumbsup:so, do not scratch your head..its all easy..follows.. :thumbsup:


once again we are on the, we are going to propel our vehicle by our radio, we must consider the RX..the question was, can we add a motor directly on a Rx is not possible to control any motors with Rx itself..because most of the Rx are not designed to drive a motor..usually, an Rx will be equipped with three terminals each, for each servos, as, Gnd, (battery negative), Supply,(battery positive), and a Signal,( from 1, to 2 m/s) to the application circuit of the servo..most of the cases, the red wire, ( battery positive) will be at centre of the connector, is because, to avoid any circuit failiure, by a wrong polarity connection..if you insert the pin of the servo, in Rx slot, either in any direction, the battery supply wire will be in its original position..this eliminates any wrong polarity problems..and, most of the time, the + and - supply from Rx to a servo will be directly from BEC ( battery elimination circuit), connecting a motor to this terminals is a waste..means, when you connect the BEC, to Rx, the motor will rotate freely..untill you removes battery..and yes the signal terminal is also, not intended for to drive a motor, as its output will be milli volts, and in pulse base, while even a micro dc motor needs a 1 Volt, 200 mA to work..and connecting a powerful motor to the rx terminals can burn out the Rx terminals from inside..