I recently added Nine Eagle Sky runner in my Hangar. Receiver boards of Nine Eagle Sky runner uses linear servo's which are noisy & flimsy with irregular throw many times . So I am thinking of replacing Linear servo's by Standard servo . Standard servos have Motor , Gearbox , Pot & control circuit in casing while linear servos have motor with rack & pinion arrangement & Pot on Rx board and controller, I don't know where it is ;D . How to connect Standard servo to NE Rx board ? Can we replace these linear servo by Standard micro servo ?
Also Attaching a Picture of Nine Eagle Rx board . Pots are on lower side .
No one tried this before here . After some search , I found http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1490089 . But not clearly mentioned , what he did or may be , I am not able to understand .
I removed Linear servo and corresponding Pot from receiver circuit then I removed control circuit of Standard micro servo and connected Pot wires (3 nos.)of servo to receiver where linear servo pot was fixed . After that I connected servo motor wires (2 nos.) to receiver where Linear servo motor was connected . But no improvement .