Rewinded a Emax 2805 2840kv motor into lower kv & higher efficiency

Started by Susavan, December 07, 2019, 06:55:16 PM

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Few months ago I was searching for a 2204 or 2205 size low kv & light weight motor for efficient slow flight on small foam plane. The solution I found was either blue wonder type or SunnySky X series 2204 for plane but both was not available in any LHS. I had a Emax 2805 2840kv sitting around since last year which is for 2S & also have low efficiency , then decided to rewind the same. I have rewinded CD ROM motors in the past & also has some wire for transformer winding. I started with removing the stock winding which was three strands of thin wire terminated as dLRK delta. Then followed the winding scheme as per Bavaria-direct. Marked the pattern(clockwise or anti clockwise) on the slots & started with 26 SWG single strand wire. The goal was to put as many turns I could to get a lower rpm/volt. I finally able to wind 15 turns on each slots.


Finally terminated as dLRK WYE. I do not have a tachometer to measure the RPM but have a wattmeter . Tested with GWS 8040 propeller & hobbywing xrotor 20amp esc with 3S lipo the static thrust result is satisfactory at least better than stock. Final weight stayed at 29gram.

Thrust 150gram @ 16.2 Watt resulting 9.25 gram/watt
250gram @ 33.2 Watt resulting 7.5 gram/watt
520 gram @ 96 Watt resulting  5.41gram/watt


Superb ! You are really beginning from the Very Basics. Hope to see some flight videos. Do post some links.
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