what would be the best brushless motor n battery for a 90gram airplane with out other electronics on the airplane
Wondering why are you not posting the right board ? This is a question that should be in the "Electric Power" board, yet you are posting it in "RC Outlets and Resellers" ?!?!?
If you are starting a new topic, the first thing is to go to the main page of the forum (click "Home" from the menu, or click on the RC India logo on top left), then decide which forum would be appropriate for your new topic. After you have made that decision, open that board... in this case, click on the "Electric Power" board, and once that opens, use the blue "New Topic" button to create the new thread.
Please do not add unnecessary maintenance tasks to the admins here. You have been here long enough (60 posts already). I hate sounding like talking to a kindergarten kid, but that is what this feels like ! This is not rocket science either.
I am moving this thread now.
If 90 gm is airframe weight without electronics, let another 90 gm for electronics.
So, a 200gm model (AUW) need at least 40 watt power.
Take 2204 motor with 10A ESC with prop (7x3.5 for 3S or 8x4 for 2S) will be good choice. Let battery be 1000mA 25C 3S,
Now weight (predicted)
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Motor + Prop = 23 gm
ESC = 10gm
Servo (TG9 or HXT9) = 39gm (3 servo with horn, pushrod etc.)
Receiver = 12gm
Battery = 47 gm
Airfeame = 90 gm
All Up Weight 223 gm
So, this power setup will can 3D too.
thanks kalyanprodhan, yes anwar i might have been in the forum for a bit now HOWEVER IM A SLOW LEARNER in computers and the forumu being in the forum so long can send me a PM and explain in a better way, i agree it was my mistake and i have made it b4, i would suggest u if u see a begginer making a mistake please send PM v know u ar of great help :hatsoff:
There is nothing more to send any PMs about, *IF* YOU READ THE LINK THAT I POSTED.
this can be " You have been here long enough (60 posts already). I hate sounding like talking to a kindergarten kid, but that is what this feels like ! This is not rocket science either"
I will make it as simple as it can be.
If you want to start a new topic, the FIRST THING you should do is to GO TO the HOME PAGE of this forum. From there, decide what kind of board you want to post in, and the rest will happen auto-magically :)
thanks anwar igot it,arun has bein helping me alot with builds and forum u both great thanks :bow: :bow: :bow: