Motor and prop the correct mix?

Started by iwincar, September 11, 2014, 06:01:10 PM

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Hi all can you suggest if this 10x4.5 prop that was recommended on site is good fit for this  1000kv brushless motor.
Will it deliver power for Spad stick coro  36" weight : not measured yet but 350gm approx

How to get the motor wire connectors on the endings ?


Could you mention the link of the website..
If it is 36" spad and as you've said weight is around 350gm so you can go for 8X4.5, 8X6, 9X6 with 3S battery.  10X4.5 is not required since weight is less and also it is oversized for this motor.
Those connectors are known as 3.5mm gold bullet connectors. These come in pair, a male and a female. You can get them on all rc stores.
"If you were born with wings, do every thing you could, for flying."


Ya but Utkarsh the motor spec has recommended that prop


Still, this big prop is not required for the AUW you mentioned.
"If you were born with wings, do every thing you could, for flying."


What is the full specification of the motor? Just 1000 KV is not complete


The motor specs are for the max size of prop that does not mean you cannot use a 8 in prop for a motor with specs of 9 to 10.
The prop size should be dictated by the AUW,  the flying characteristics required... Etc


Too many people just say a 1000 KV motor......and stop. It could be a 50 Watt or a 500 Watt motor!

Just give the number and manufacturer, or the link!






Got this from quadkopters w ref to info got here 1100 kv or 1200 kv 30amp eac 2200 mah bat ,the prop is suggested on quad site under motor spec.


Here is the close view


This motor is the fairly popular A2212-!000 KV 13 T, equivalent in size and specs to Turnigy 2830-1000 KV. Because of the low KV it will spin a 10*4.5 prop, for maximum thrust (eg as in a Quad.) If your model is 350 gram (please recheck - weight is with battery, motor, esc etc.) then you can use a smaller prop like 8*4.5 to 9*47 to get more battery flying time


Ok, @sanjayrai55 meaning big Prop will reduce the flying time?
It was bought because of suspicion that other prop may not fit on the shaft ,but will certainly look in those options 


Big prop=> big torque. Torque X RPM => Wattage. More watt => more Ah. For any given battery more Ah => lees time. If you double the Ah you get half the time