Motor and Propeller combination

Started by abhishek0411, December 18, 2011, 04:35:06 PM

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Can anybody give me a motor and propeller combination that has a capability of giving 6 lb static thrust and draws no more than 20 Amps current??


6 pound means 3kg appx.
So, you need appx. 300 watt minimum.
As you don't want more that 20A, so voltage = 300/20 = 15 Volt. So, 4-5 S battery is required. 5S would be better. As 20A, so your battery capacity 20C 1.2AH, or 25C 1Ah be the lightest.

Motor prop combination will depend on your desire.
What plan it will be ?
Slow flyer or jet or medium speed ?

Much more written here.
Just read old posts.
We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


It will be a medium speed flying aircraft, speed 60ft/sec cruise, wing span 6', chord 9", weight 10lb....kindly suggest a motor propeller combination for this plane keeping in mind max 20Amp current draw constraint. Some motor of good quality and easily available...


And if you have some idea about the effect of using a 6.7:1 gear box with the motor kindly share it...


10 lbs = 5 Kg
5kg with 20A, tough for me to search with.

"Why so much weight, go light" you just read the startup posts here.

5000 x .22 x 1.33 = 1.463 kW

and if I=20A, V=1463/20 = 73 volt i. e. 20S

Dam, Go Glow, sell ESC.
We have to unite and to prove ourself to make indigenous products as well as marketing / Canvasing them. I'm sure we must achieve success if we try unitedly.


we are designing a plane for aiaa competition nd is nt possible for us to reduce the weight below 10 lb nd 20 A is a constraint mentioned on the competiton website, its was getting tough for us to find a motor nd prop require some help....


Hello everyone i am new here i have build my quad but having some problems in stabilising it , these are my specs :-
1000 kv motor x 4 a 2212 13 t
esc 30a
props 10 * 4 composite
battery 5200 mah 3s multistar 331 g
flysky fsct6b tx and rx
kk 2.1.5
here are my mixer editor values :-
ch1                ch2           ch3            ch 4
t + 100         +100      +100         +100
a -71              +71         - 71             +71
e +71             +71         - 71              -71
r + 100          - 100       + 100        +100
i calculated these after watching a video on youtube
i want to know whether above specified components combination is possible , actually when i give full throttle my quad does not lifts enough, i have esc calibrated well all motors are spinning at same throttle but not enough lift i think it will stablise when i adjust trims but please tell me are motors and props enough for  this weight around
here motor pic
here esc pic
i have nothing to weight my quad so as per component description  its weight can be approx 1600 -1800 g let it 2000g or 2500 g then what motors and propeller can give 1000 - 2000 m range or more


It should give ample amout of thrust power...... Low kv motor plus 10/04 props.....
I think  this will produce 800gm of thrust per motor.... 4*800 ie 3200g of thrust
(i used similar kind of components )

Can u provide me with the link of ur battery..... May be its not being able to provide that much discharge rate...

Plus always check configuration  and motor layout..... Ie is it  in X mode....  Or + mode...... Is the motor layout right  i mean m1, m2,  m3 and m4 should be connected as per the layout.... Then this should be in respect to the KK2.1.T BOARD ORIENTATION.

THEN CHECK MOTION of motors..... Check direction.... Check if cw rotating motor has cw props while ccw motors have ccw props...... But as u said its flying  then this shouldn't be a problem...

But if u r confident enough...... Then you can think about resetting it...... The default numbers are good enough to fly multirotors...... Try re calibrating esc and acc......  And do not change the default values in mixer editor.....
And last but not the least Check is the size of props/numbers on the upside of the props......
F-450 Quadcopter With KK 2.1.5 and FPV capability, FS-CT6B

And remember #FlyLikeAButterflyStingLikeABee