Multiplex Fan club : Elapor Rock Solid : experience about Multiplex Products

Started by rcforall, July 01, 2009, 06:17:49 PM

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Hi All ,
After flying the Easy Cub and the Twin Star I am a  developing to be a big time Fan of Multiplex products :
So I thought why not share some experiences of  Multiplex products and their Durability:

Multiplex Easy Cub :  ( 3 channel now but can convert to 4 and 5 channel )
My first Multiplex Product is so tough that I have possibly thrown everything at it and till date it has not even been deformed in any way  :
1) I have cartwheeled thrice consequtively on the wing  on take off at full throttle , I froze when it cart wheeled the first time and did not kill the throttle by the time I got round it had done  3 cartwheels like a Gymnast
2) Have had the wing come of the cub at around 100 ft height and the fuse sped away and hit ground only damage Bent Motor shaft and bent wing tip
3) ESC burned up and made a hole in the fuse  when it was flying auto pilot and plane ditched in sand
4) Bouncy and flip over landing : Lost count

Twin Star :  Flies great and flew 45 mins on its maiden flight  the plane is heavy thanks to the 11.1V 4300 MAH battery pack , it to a direct nose hit during its first flight with a 7.4V pack with no adverse effects to it .

I will be specially curious to Know  about the MINIMAG the Second Level Aileron trainer from Multiplex.

Here are photos of my Multiplex planes which I have though my wish list will include Culariss , Fun jet , Acro master , Minimag , Mentor , Park master etc

Looking forward to other Multiplexers to add their collections and experience with this brand as well.
Sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


One of the reasons for starting this thread is that not many are aware of Multiplex products and many  normally don't consider them due to the price factor  , beginners simply pass up these products and settle for other alternatives.

Yes they are costlier  when taken at face value , but  the value addition  especially to beginners , the engineering , material  and Quality when factored in they transform to being  real Value for Money .

Intangible benefits of Multiplex :
1) Confidence Building to a beginner   in terms of Handling  and flying charectristics
2) Confidence building to a beginner   in terms of material toughness and ruggedness
3) More Stick time in the air due to toughness and close to not breaking on Impact charecteristic

The shorter learning time / curve due to the above  more than makes up for the higher initial cost .

I am sure Chan who started on his own on an Easy Star 1.5 years back and many others would  like to comment on these facts .

sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


i myself am a big fan of multiplex sai uncle the problem which i faced was budget the easystar and slowstick are the top ranked rc beginner plane. the first thing that pramod bhaiya said when i wanted to go for a plane was easystar he himself owns 2 of them i believe. in fact i wanted to go for the easy cub but my budget restricted me from buying it. though there is a lot to be praised about multiplex i would also like to tell that most people that i have met or asked or contacted nearly 90% of them learnt on for slowstick,thousands of them are sold every year. if you break your slowstick just get a new one for 1500-2000 and also it is not that easy to crash it too. first time when i flew the slowstick i was nearly about to crash it but pramod bhaiya said to cut of the throttle and it leveled itself and it grounded itself without any damage. finally i would like to conclude by saying that at the price of an easy star you can buy approximately 4 slowsticks which i consider to be a bit better than one easystar. though easystar is too durable it would be much appreciated that the price be reduced by multiplex as it might lead to their profit only. also  look at it from a beginners point of view (just an estimate) rtf easy star from india = 12500
and rtf slowstick = comes around 7 to 8k and then after that each seperate model costs 2000. well its just my opinion though i love easystar and wish i owned one will start collecting for the easy cub though from today.

Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


i am sorry sai uncle for hijacking(word used quite often but could not find any other word) the thread and changing the topic to a gws and multiplex fight as i said i love multiplex and gws both
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


There is no question of the Budget factor , I have myself sold more Slow Sticks than Easy Stars  so I am more  aware of the facts stated by you Subu I have been in this  hobby longer than you  ;) ;D ;D.

Commercially what you are asking is for a Mercedes  to be sold for the price of a Maruthi  is it possible  ;D ;D.

In fact I myself have Slow sticks  and other GWS products even now in my inventory as well as my hanger ,in fact  I started with them ,

The Idea here is for those who have used Multiplex to Share their experience , we are not talking of comparisons here .

Its more like  when we started aero modeling  a normal beginners set up would cost nothing below 30 K , today a top of the line Electric set up like multiplex  costs half that amount .

In Heli terms it is like some appreciate Hirobo , Kysho there are some for Raptor , T rex etc whila a vast majority fly E sky , Walkera etc .

Different people find values in different levels  so this is a sharing point for those who have experienced Multiplex  and their  quality and values .

I trust this clarifies your concerns  .

Sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


that really does clarify my doubts sai uncle and i know that i am not eligible to speak on something which i have not yet flown next purchase i would buy a multiplex product to be able to post and sorry again and also i know that you are main reasons people like me in India are able to fly without your guidance i would not have been able to start this hobby so please forgive me and one thing i would like to mention is that i really am a fan of multiplex if it were not for the money i would have anyday purchased the easy cub as i really wanted to learn on that too. also i never meant to hurt anyone. sorry again

Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


Hi Subu ,
Nothing to feel sorry  we are just discussing here . Cool it .

BTW , buy/build and fly   stuff you will enjoy yourself having fun is what is  primary , don't be so worried about posting things in forums . So if you buy a Multiplex Product buy it for yourself not for posting .

Enjoying it  yourself and learning from it is the primary motive of this hobby  posting on forums is secondary.

Eg. Venkatesh my son enjoys flying and building  and the hobby a lot but he is not the forum type  that is why he has only 2 posts to his credit  here .

Sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


i really agree with u sai now everybody have their option to enjoy this hobby within their budget



Santosh ,
I know you have many Multiplex Models , some inputs about them would be helpful here  ;D

sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Another interesting factor of the Multiplex planes which has come up when I have been searching on the net for Ariel  Video  and Photography platforms  and also FPV applications is that the Easy Star and Twinstar  are the Preferred planes , thus  highlighting their reliability, ruggedness  and stability of these planes  {:)} {:)}.

This is a traditional quality of German Products excellent engineered products with lasting ruggedness .

PS : SUBU : I think you should look at the MINIMAG  rather than the easy cub if you are looking later for an aileron trainner : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


One other thing I have noticed that is obvious from Subu's comments is that the only known model  here in India  of Multiplex  is  the EASY Star .

You would be surprised there are many more :

In fact here is a video of the ACRO MASTER  , I believe that a good part of the low level risks being taken in this video is thanks to the knowledge that the plane is fairly crash resistant not many will risk such maneuvers with a BALSA plane  :o  ;D

The FUNJET is another talked about Model for Advanced Pilots .

Check this out  full 40 size Electric ELAPOR Trainer the Mentor :

[b]Multiplex also have a Heli : FUNCOPTER made of Elapor and with a a patented Crash resistant ROTOR Head Design[/b] , I don't know of many who know this fact :


   (:|~ (:|~ (:|~

Hence this thread is to enhance the  awareness of Multiplex as well to inform members of other less known options.

Sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Thank you Sai for starting this thread.  This is one of the main aims of the forum...  "discuss brands openly".

I did not know about the Funcopter until now !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Hi there...

One word about Multiplex.... FANTABULOUS!! Dad bought a Multiplex Easy Star long back even before there was any talk of the Easy Star here in India!! He maidened it in Trichy and ended up extending the rudder a bit for more authority! After flying it for a long time, he handed it over to me last July so that I can start this hobby!!

The first time I met Mr. Sai, I took along the Easy Star and I was a true green beginner!! He encouraged me to take off in spite of very stiff winds!! I also had the confidence that this plane will take all abuse!! So I took off and after the intial haggle of steadying the plane in the wind, it started climbing vertically against the wind!! Took a few circuits and landed vertically down too!! That how simple it was for a beginner like me!!

I would definitely recommend Multiplex for all those who can shell out a few extra bucks!!  My Easy Star is still with me and is my dad's favourite model! He launches the model and sits in the car and flies it around :)!

Multiplex models are also being used world wide for all kinds of experimental flying..

Today morning, I came across a site which lists all these auto pilot stuff and they use a Multiplex Funjet to test their equipment!!

Would love to see a 3D model from Multiplex!!

- Chan


Quote from: anwar on July 02, 2009, 12:01:57 PM
I did not know about the Funcopter until now !

Being a experienced Heli Pilot what do you think of it for  a beginner who is will to pay a  bit more , I was particularly impressed with the Rotor head and the landing skid from a beginners point of view. : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Quote from: chanvivek on July 02, 2009, 12:40:01 PM

Today morning, I came across a site which lists all these auto pilot stuff and they use a Multiplex Funjet to test their equipment!!

Would love to see a 3D model from Multiplex!!

- Chan

chan ,
The autopilot site is DIY Drones
The Acro Master is  supposed to be a 3 D capable  Model.check out the video.

Sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Quote from: rcforall on July 02, 2009, 01:10:39 PM
Being a experienced Heli Pilot what do you think of it for  a beginner who is will to pay a  bit more , I was particularly impressed with the Rotor head and the landing skid from a beginners point of view.

I was certainly impressed by the ability to withstand crashes.  It is the head, the landing skid and many times the tail that goes first in any crash.  Wonder how it would work in real life, where most people/beginners are not quick enough to close the throttle during or immediately after impact.  Most of the time the rotor blades are still turning, and they tend to hit the tail boom causing the boom to bend or break (known as a "boom strike" in heli parlance).  In the video, it looks like the pilot quickly closed the throttle.

Overall, it looks like a heli that can be recommended for beginners with some dough ;)
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Quote from: anwar on July 02, 2009, 01:20:08 PM

Overall, it looks like a heli that can be recommended for beginners with some dough ;)

I guess it is not yet released in US likely to be around Aug 2009  the pricing looks to be $ 400 for RR ie Receiver ready version  you just to add you receiver and battery and its ready to fly .

Sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


I was just reading about the AcroMaster.. Cant see the video here in office.  Would check it out at home!

- Chan


Quote from: rcforall on July 02, 2009, 01:48:14 PM
I guess it is not yet released in US likely to be around Aug 2009  the pricing looks to be $ 400 for RR ie Receiver ready version  you just to add you receiver and battery and its ready to fly .

Wow, that is pretty high  :o  I guess there are other choices in that price range, even if we include the cost of a few crashes !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


I have no Idea of Heli Pricing , What I heard is they  are in some way connected to the corona heli which I am told used to be around earlier  no Idea at all , this is the price listed by Horizon in US : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Hi ,
Every time I fly the Twin Star  more persons get interested in It.
Yesterday was a  case  ;D ;D {:)}
sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


And so i am back
hey guys i bought my easystar second hand from atul bhaiya

and will rate the plane on sunday when i get it.
Yak55|EasyFly Glider 1.9m|Skyfun|Easystar II|Quad Talon V2|Mini Saturn


one more to my multiplex family  MULTIPLEX MENTOR, will start building only after onam

