hi frnds.i was making quad.but it was not flying due thrust.may b need sm tuning.but sm of my friends advised me to calibrate esc.i tried to calibrate but dnt know why after tht no motors is revolving at all also in my kk2 board lcd display becomes white.menu nt showing.i think may b my esc s becomes damaged.pls help me wht to do.should i hv to buy a new esc.rajib.9864840989
Do you mean board is not displaying anything? if yes then i think that ESC are working fine and your KK board is faulty.
LCD is displaying mean white.menu comes after i change the M1 motor esc wire with other one .i think my calibration of esc is not completed.is there any way to test the board/esc separately
you can connect ESC to RX ch3 and check it individual
To check the board you can connect servo at m1 and see if response after arming your board and give command from TX.
It would be best if you can the specs of your esc motor and radio. You will get more specific help.. :)
Please specify, AUW and power combo loke motor, prop, esc, battery.
All have to be matched, Prop to KV, Motor current to ESC, and 4 motor current to Battery. check them.
kk2 board usually goes blank after battery is drained.
i suggest u first check the voltage coming from the battery and then try again