Problem with Setup

Started by ved, May 01, 2011, 12:48:15 PM

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Hi Guys,
I have a Turnigy Bell 2409 1600 KV motor and HK 25A ESC. Two month ago when i bought the motor and ESC, when I connect them and connect the battery,the motor produced a loud long beep and started to work.But few days ago when I connected the ESC to the motor and connected the battery, no beep was produced and also the ESC was getting very hot after few seconds.But when I go close to the motor some beep sounds were heard.But the motor didn't work at all. :banghead: So please help me :help:
Turnigy 9x w. Er9x | Custom Hovercraft |Scratch Build Boat | Tricopter | Skysurfer V3|


Have you tried a different motor with this esc?
Are you able to rotate the motor shaft with hand, i mean is it free?


Turnigy 9x w. Er9x | Custom Hovercraft |Scratch Build Boat | Tricopter | Skysurfer V3|


Check if the wiring of motor is all right. 3 wires which come out of coiling of motor sometime break down due to stretching of wire. In this case motor sometimes make little sound but doesn't work.


Turnigy 9x w. Er9x | Custom Hovercraft |Scratch Build Boat | Tricopter | Skysurfer V3|


Try different ESC and motor combination.
Then we can see if problem is in motor or ESC.


I dont have more ESC or motor
Turnigy 9x w. Er9x | Custom Hovercraft |Scratch Build Boat | Tricopter | Skysurfer V3|


Turnigy 9x w. Er9x | Custom Hovercraft |Scratch Build Boat | Tricopter | Skysurfer V3|


Try setting throttle range for ESC. It works for me sometime when motor is not responding


The ESC is not programmable
Turnigy 9x w. Er9x | Custom Hovercraft |Scratch Build Boat | Tricopter | Skysurfer V3|


Where did you buy ESC? Can you post the link?


Turnigy 9x w. Er9x | Custom Hovercraft |Scratch Build Boat | Tricopter | Skysurfer V3|


You should be able to set throttle range with this ESC. Read the reviews of this ESC on above link. Procedure is given there. Give it a try.


Thanks a lot Spitfire.I will try and tell you later
Turnigy 9x w. Er9x | Custom Hovercraft |Scratch Build Boat | Tricopter | Skysurfer V3|


Another problem after throttle ranging.

Also the motor and ESC gets hot.
Please help :help: :help: :help: :help:
Turnigy 9x w. Er9x | Custom Hovercraft |Scratch Build Boat | Tricopter | Skysurfer V3|


Turnigy 9x w. Er9x | Custom Hovercraft |Scratch Build Boat | Tricopter | Skysurfer V3|


If your motor and ESC are good then this can happen because of three reasons:
Lose connection/solder between motor and esc.
Wires/connectors on the motor are getting short.
Something stuck in the motor.


1. How have you soldered the bullet connectors? Have you removed the coating(golden coating) of the wires and then connected ?
2. Heatshring usually hides if there is loose soldering, just remove the heatshrink and check again.


Turnigy 9x w. Er9x | Custom Hovercraft |Scratch Build Boat | Tricopter | Skysurfer V3|


How are you sure about that, put up some details? Seeing that video of yours every one is going to ask you this question.


I have just now opwned the heat shrink and saw.
Turnigy 9x w. Er9x | Custom Hovercraft |Scratch Build Boat | Tricopter | Skysurfer V3|


do u notice your bullet connectors also ...they are exposed and have high chances of getting short any burning your have to insulate they using heat shrink tube ..never leave them exposed
Arcarious @ Akky.....
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Turnigy 9x w. Er9x | Custom Hovercraft |Scratch Build Boat | Tricopter | Skysurfer V3|


 :o Not good!
Ved be very careful, dont leave any connections open. This is very dangerous, ESC's and batteries burn like diwali fireworks, Annar to be specific.


Wonder if the damage due to short circuit is already done :(  It was a bad idea to leave connectors like that, at least a layer of any type of tape would have afforded some protection.
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