when ever i connet esc with motor a continous sound is produced by esc and also the motor doesn't run when throttle is given
:help: :help:
Have you tried rebinding your tx and rx, are they from the same set or different ones?
pls note:
Always on your tx first & then connect battery to esc/receiver for 2.4ghz radios
1)it looks like u need to calibrate throttle or reprogram esc
this may slove your problem :)
best of luck :thumbsup:
nothing big... just reverse the throttle......
Try these....
A. Is your throttle ch correct usually 3
B. Check the switch b default is throttle cut (but there wont be sound)
C. Are other ch working connect servo to throttle ch and see
D. Ecs plug polarity on rx
E. If nothing works then it may be binding issue.
Hope it helps...
I tried with my friends FS 6 channel transmitter . same problem
follow the steps....
1> charge the battery full
2> switch the Tx on(make sure the throttle is full down; even the trimmers)
3> connect the esc to the lipo
4> does i work...?? if no go to step 2 ( with throttle full up; even the trimmers)
5> post results.....!
also make sure the the ESC is connected in the ch3 on the reciever
Whatever channel your throttle is connected to is not at zero when you switch on the Rx. Typically it is Ch3. Motors typically give a 3 beep indication saying "i am ready"
First thing is check switch of the throttle. then if it is switch off then switch on the Rx.