quadcopter - power system choice

Started by singleshubham, April 28, 2011, 04:34:41 PM

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i wanna make a quadcopter for my minor project in my coll. For that I hv 4 brushless motors.
The prob is no specifications are made on those motors and the shopkeeper is also technically mute.

Something i can mension about motors is :
length: around 1 inch
diameter: around 3/4 cm
price: 140 rs.
Volt: 12 volt

I hope that the technical experts may  help me as they are experties. Can these motors fly my quadcopter. the dimensions of the machine is yet to be redefined.

Shubham Singhal


Welcome Shubham ,
there are many topics about this on the forum
Also most of the questions you might have already been asked and answered, try using the search box on the top-right   :thumbsup:


Quote from: singleshubham on April 28, 2011, 04:34:41 PM
diameter: around 3/4 cm

3/4cm ?  That sounds tiny... can you post some pictures ?  Or is it 3 to 4 cm ?

If you are really building a quad, better to use stuff that is known to work.
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Quote from: singleshubham on April 28, 2011, 04:34:41 PM
price: 140 rs.

140 bucks????

dude you have been cheated! it cannot be that low,even hobby king has a higher price!
i think its a brushed one and not brushless

i would recommend to post a few pics
Award | OFNA Nexx8 | Art-Tech Edge 540T | Glidiator V2 | Hawker Tempest | Cessna Citation Jet
Turnigy 9X
FPV Platforms : CF Tricopter| HK EPP FPV | Bixler 1 | Bixler 2 | DJI Phantom 2 +H3 3D


Award | OFNA Nexx8 | Art-Tech Edge 540T | Glidiator V2 | Hawker Tempest | Cessna Citation Jet
Turnigy 9X
FPV Platforms : CF Tricopter| HK EPP FPV | Bixler 1 | Bixler 2 | DJI Phantom 2 +H3 3D


this is the pic of ma motor..
it's exact length is :24 mm (including shaft)
                         :16 mm (excluding shaft)
length of shaft :8mm
diameter :8mm

The shopkeeper told me that it will run with 12 volt d.c. but it become extremely hot with 10 volt d.c. videogame adaptor..

Soon, pics and dimensions of the hardware i will post..


This is a brushed motor. From the picture, I can infer that the max operating voltage of this motor will be close to 4.5~5V DC. 12V is just too much and that is the reason why the motor gets hot, infact you may have permanently damaged the motor by now. Do you plan to build a Quad with that ?? I would suggest you to do some more reasearch. Did the shopkeeper tell you that this is a brushless motor???


dear shubham,
Its a coreless brushed motor. Its identical to the ones used in Pagers or nearly the same. I do have one and used it in my first powered glider.
The motor is sufficient enough to take up its load along wires at 3.7 v from  120mah lipo battery, with handmade prop.
A combination of such four motors will definitely take up the emty weight of the Quadcopter along with micro electronic components.
I wonder whether it would take up the load of batteries as well.

I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


Hi Shubham,

Don't get disheartened maybe you could for something non-traditional ie. instead of the usual heavy big quad go for something like this

Also these as told earlier would run on 3.7V~5V DC but you will still require the electronics to control and stabilize the quad

Here is also a video

Complete description link by the makers:

Hope this interests you ....  :thumbsup:


I think m lucky to hv real experts to be guided.. i think i now can duplicate one..


Hey, can i use the handmade propeller or is it necessary to have ready made??? I mean do hand made propellers work efficiently???


i don't think handmade ones hav correct angle for better airflow, i maybe wrong, any advice from the gurus?


Quote from: singleshubham on May 07, 2011, 08:19:04 PM
Hey, can i use the handmade propeller or is it necessary to have ready made??? I mean do hand made propellers work efficiently???

Do you want to try these


I have one complete set. One of them used.



I am not the right person to comment about "hand made props", but I can sure say that quads are extremely sensitive to vibrations, and well balanced props are one of the key items in keeping vibrations down. 

Please see comments from Ashta bhai on his quad build thread about all the steps he undertook to reduce vibrations.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Handmade props work offcourse,but im not aware about their efficiency. Vibrations could also be reduced to nil.

But the only point is, its quiet difficult to make many identical props without a dye.And you require four..

Here lies the limitation, due to a very famous saying- "every handmade creation is unique". :giggle:

I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:

jeevan reddy

Quote from: singleshubham on May 02, 2011, 11:52:01 PM
I think m lucky to hv real experts to be guided.. i think i now can duplicate one..
hey im jeevan from hyderabad.plz post a detailed circuit of quadcopter if possibe and also the budget of quadcopter.


hey imswapnil from ahmedabad. plz post a detailed circuit of quadcopter if possibe and also the budget of quadcopter.