Selection of motor for tern

Started by Karthick Ashwath, October 07, 2015, 08:27:12 PM

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Karthick Ashwath

If we supply 9.8V it puts out over 600gms of thrust on a 10*5 prop, it pulls 9A at 87W. Which is a bit more than 50% 1100gms(approximate) (minimum for an intermediate, not trainer plane is 550gms) Since it gives a bit over 617 gms, it is not a problem at all. Lots of extra thrust to expand. My source for all these details is this site

I use this site as the DT750 is a copy of the DAT750 and it has similar specifications.
Volantex Phoenix v2 2000mm
Lunchbox Chuck Glider (best flight 22s)
EaKa-1 WonderTube Trainer- Success!
Boat: DIY Catamaran Airboat

Karthick Ashwath

Congrats on completing 360 posts! As we won't be charging while discharging, we will not face this problem. When our solar cells produce more than that consumed by the motor, only then will we activate the charging part of the circuit. I am going to place an Arduino to control all these activities. oNly when our solar cells produce very low power will we use the battery.
Volantex Phoenix v2 2000mm
Lunchbox Chuck Glider (best flight 22s)
EaKa-1 WonderTube Trainer- Success!
Boat: DIY Catamaran Airboat


its a good idea.
But first learn to fly on a sim before taking on a rc plane.
but you will be able to handle the old fogey ;)
So what is the next step that you are planning to do?
Building the air frame?

Karthick Ashwath

I already have a simulator and have atleast 50 hours of practice in a simulator on different planes, racers and trainers alike. And I exactly understand what you mean by
Quotebut you will be able to handle the old fogey Wink

No, building the airframe is not the next step. I will have to contact a solar cell factory regarding the 3x6 solar cells which I have to test. Maybe get about 5 pieces.

I will build this airframe after testing. I must acquire quite a long piece of foamboard(I seem to know a source in my city) If you know any online foam sellers, please do tell me.

And, we have decided to use 5mm depron, haven't we? Or do I continue with foam board?

I may build the airframe during the winter holidays in december. Hope that your FA3 exam is over. Have you started to repair your avispad? I also have to wait for the other parts to arrive and I also have to order the motor, heatshrinks and bullet connector(first timer)

Is it necessary to use spars?
Volantex Phoenix v2 2000mm
Lunchbox Chuck Glider (best flight 22s)
EaKa-1 WonderTube Trainer- Success!
Boat: DIY Catamaran Airboat


Foam sellers are mostlty not online. U have to search the city thourougly.
go on trade india, yellowpages kind of websites and see if there are any foamboard sellers.
Also ask the members of RCI from madurai (there are many) that where do they get depron from.
Click the members button which is in the header just below the RCI  logo.
Excellent planning friend.
Use depron. Its light and easier to use.
Spars have a great importance.  They prevent  :

1) the tail shakes on a fuselage
2)maintain wing rigidity on a plane and dont allow the wing to fold.
(My ft flyer wing folded once. One side of my ft old fogey wing folded once. All because i did not put an extra not-on-plans spar.)
My avispad is fine and repaired. Just waiting for some parts to arrive. I will maiden tomm.

Karthick Ashwath

I checked out everything you said. But there are very few plane lovers in madurai who have never posted even a single post. The few are interested only in selling. I have not seen instances of them clearing doubts before. I found an online supplier of depron foam. Check this out: If we purchase 2 of these, then it will be ebough. I somehow found an online seller of depron
Volantex Phoenix v2 2000mm
Lunchbox Chuck Glider (best flight 22s)
EaKa-1 WonderTube Trainer- Success!
Boat: DIY Catamaran Airboat

Karthick Ashwath

I had not noticed that the wingtips are curved. So I will have to post a detailed arrangement diagram soon.
Volantex Phoenix v2 2000mm
Lunchbox Chuck Glider (best flight 22s)
EaKa-1 WonderTube Trainer- Success!
Boat: DIY Catamaran Airboat


the wingtip is not curved friend!
They are just given an polyhedral


but the depron is toooo expensive!!!
We get one 40" by 30" sheet of 5mmm for 400 rs. here in delhi.

Karthick Ashwath

Do you know somebody in Mumbai? I know a close relative who often travels to mumbai for business reasons. Maybe he can get it for me. If you give me the address, my relative can get it.
Volantex Phoenix v2 2000mm
Lunchbox Chuck Glider (best flight 22s)
EaKa-1 WonderTube Trainer- Success!
Boat: DIY Catamaran Airboat


Shriram Stationary Mart,
Shop 16, Radha Krishna Niwas,
Vachnalaya Marg, Dadar (W)
Mumbai - 400028
Ph. no - 022 24305982

call and try here

Karthick Ashwath

@k k iyer

Please do take a look at this:
Amps Watts Thrust gms
3.2     40      300
4.5     56      500
7.5     92      600
9.0    110     700
11.0   132     800
13.6   161     900
14.4   168     950

Here, an EMP 11x5.5 prop is being used.

If we use the motor at the throttle level at which it consumes 7.5A and provides 600 gms of thrust, it would be very good. It would be enough if we fill just the rectangular part of the wing with cells. Maybe some more cells could be put just to make sure that we generate enough power.

Hello KK Iyer sir, been a long time since we saw activity form your side sir. Could you please provide the percentage of throttle at which it generates 600 gms of thrust and pulls 7.5A on 3S?

Prabal, hope your Avispad re maiden went well. I also hope that no major crashes took place. I look towards getting the depron from mumbai.

I will contact the solar cell seller I know and talk about acquiring those cells. It is still really cold, rainy and cloudy here, so I will test the solar cells a bit later. We can't be sure of anything till I complete the testing.
Volantex Phoenix v2 2000mm
Lunchbox Chuck Glider (best flight 22s)
EaKa-1 WonderTube Trainer- Success!
Boat: DIY Catamaran Airboat


It went well! No major crashes or anything.
sanjay sir just recommended me some mods.

Karthick Ashwath

Seems good! Same here with my solar project! Would be enough if I fit solar cells just on the rectangular part of the wing.
I will put some cells on the dihedral part of the wing too just to make sure I generate enough power.
Volantex Phoenix v2 2000mm
Lunchbox Chuck Glider (best flight 22s)
EaKa-1 WonderTube Trainer- Success!
Boat: DIY Catamaran Airboat


Seems like you are going for the old fogey.

Karthick Ashwath

Yes. Like it very much. It is slow , which makes it easy to handle for a first timer like me.
Volantex Phoenix v2 2000mm
Lunchbox Chuck Glider (best flight 22s)
EaKa-1 WonderTube Trainer- Success!
Boat: DIY Catamaran Airboat

K K Iyer

@karthick ashwath,
Earlier data was from my own test, but i didn't make a note of the throttle position.

Here is some more data (from 'Mortimer' on RCGroups) for DT700&750

Karthick Ashwath

Sir, that was very useful.I have used the data and selected to use a DT750 running an APC 12x3.8 at 60% throttle so that I could be sure that it gives about 600gms of thrust.

Can anybody tell me the pros and cons of using depron when compared to foam board?
Volantex Phoenix v2 2000mm
Lunchbox Chuck Glider (best flight 22s)
EaKa-1 WonderTube Trainer- Success!
Boat: DIY Catamaran Airboat


Foam is heavier. Depron is lighter
Foam is harder to obtain in thin sheets.(a hot wire must be used. which, if you build costs approx. 1000) depron is available.
Foam crack is stressed. Depron gets cracks on it's surface and if paper/tape covering is there; it just weakens at that stressed point.
depron is easier to make complex structures with.Carving foam is hard.
Foam is better if you use it to make airfoiled wings out of with a hot wire cutter.

Karthick Ashwath

OK so we are now going to use Depron. That is for sure. Can anyone refer to some good tutorials or information about lamination? It is essential as we need to cover our solar cells to protect them. Can anyone help me in this topic?

Can anyone please recommend a good soldering iron for me? Something that would be of high quality and last a long time? I already have one, but it is not powerful enough.

Could you also recommend a wattmeter for testing my solar cells?
Volantex Phoenix v2 2000mm
Lunchbox Chuck Glider (best flight 22s)
EaKa-1 WonderTube Trainer- Success!
Boat: DIY Catamaran Airboat


is that depron supplier in mumbai responding??

Karthick Ashwath

I have not tried calling this shop. I will get back whenever I do so. I will definitely do so.
Volantex Phoenix v2 2000mm
Lunchbox Chuck Glider (best flight 22s)
EaKa-1 WonderTube Trainer- Success!
Boat: DIY Catamaran Airboat

Karthick Ashwath

Been a long time since anyone saw any activity here. Sorry but I have been a bit busy at QC work at school.

There is a small change in plans. Instead of using the arduino, taking the risk of frying it, experimenting with saving data in an SD card, I have decided to take readings/measurements every 30 minutes for 10 hours
So 20 readings.

I am also having second thoughts about our power pod.I feel that either the speed or the thrust must be increased.But thrust is essential for takeoff, so better to have more thrust and use an APC 13x4 prop with our DT 750 motor.

But the recommended prop for this motor is 11x3.8.

Which prop family is best? APC or Master Airscrew or Normal props?

What should I do?Should I stay with this power pod?Should I use a different one?

Also can someone please recommend a good:
Soldering iron
Hotglue gun

Thanks and regards.
Volantex Phoenix v2 2000mm
Lunchbox Chuck Glider (best flight 22s)
EaKa-1 WonderTube Trainer- Success!
Boat: DIY Catamaran Airboat

K K Iyer

Do you really need a recommendation for even a soldering iron?
I wonder why you ask. Asking is an easy way out. Why not find out for yourself?
Can't build an entire project on hearsay.
Put in some effort please.
Still have not heard how much power the solar cells put out.
We (at least I) await the results of your experiments.
Regards from a well wisher.

Karthick Ashwath

Sorry but seems like I will just find out for myself. By the end of december, I will have all my equipment and solar cells test results as I have a long holiday. Sorry, but I have tried my best. I have enquired in electronic shops already, but the best soldering iron they have to offer is a 25W soldron soldering iron. Don't know whether 25W will be enough.

I have already bought a hotglue gun but it didn't work.This is why I am asking a recommendation. (i bought a Crown brand glue gun)

As for the watt meter, I think I will buy it locally instead of going online.

Will put in more effort from now.

Thanks for the wishes.Happy to hear that someone is waiting on me for such things.
Volantex Phoenix v2 2000mm
Lunchbox Chuck Glider (best flight 22s)
EaKa-1 WonderTube Trainer- Success!
Boat: DIY Catamaran Airboat