SkySurfer V3 Motor or ESC issue..

Started by foolsworldus, May 13, 2014, 05:48:43 PM

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I recently bought a SkySurfer V3 from RCBazaar. I have completed the assembly part and have not flown it yet. There seems to be some problem with the motor or esc. The motor does not start rotation smoothly as normally it should. I have to play with the throttle rapidly and only then the motor speeds up... what could be wrong and what can i do to solve this.. The plane is brand new, not a single sortie. so there's no question of crash damage. I have posted a link to the video of the same.



calibrate your esc with your transmitter .....

210 fpv racing quad
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1000mm DW rainbow wing
sylphid rc plane
-Twin Boom Pusher plane
FT F22 Raptor
Cub -j3 piper


Serialcrasher has the same problem.... please check


I did the calibration but the same issue still persists...


hey ponappa can you please guide me to the post you mentioned.. I tried surching with the user name.. dint get any...


"If you were born with wings, do every thing you could, for flying."


yes i guess i did it perfectly.. the esc is resetting every time I connect the lipo.. it gives three beeps for 3 cell all the it an issue with the esc....??


"If you were born with wings, do every thing you could, for flying."


I did the calibration as per this video

is there any other way for calibration.?


Try a different ESC, if you have one, to be sure of whether the problem lies in the motor or ESC.

I had a similar problem with a motor I rewound, wasn't responding too well to low throttles values. I couldn't find the exact reason to why that was happening, I was guessing I had missed a turn or two somewhere.
A friend had suggested me to reduce the ESC timing to minimum, it didn't help me much, but maybe you should try doing that.
Mechatronics engineer . Hopeless realist


Mechatronics engineer . Hopeless realist


I have a 40amp hobbyking esc.. will try that..


hey i tried another esc.. it works fine.. somethings wrong with the esc supplied to me... will have to request for a solution.

Serial crasher

Even I had the same issue with this model. My solution is just let it be. ..( people said go crib to RC bazaar ppl , return it etc. but I was just too lazy to do it )   ;D

She flies fine. Only thing is I release her when the prop rotates smoothly . If it's rotating smoothly then the flight will be cool . ( If it's not rotating smoothly don't release her)

You can see my flight video thread to see how she flew'my-first-flight'/msg182846/#msg182846

But yes she doesn't climb ..I just keep on giving throttle and she wouldn't go up, it takes forever ..that's boring me now . Also no acrobatics with this model . The motor is just not powerful
Landings are nothing more than controlled crashes


I saw your video.. good flying there.. whats the AUW of your plane... I have it at 773 grams... not flown yet.. I get your point of releasing the plane only when the prop rotates.. but what happens if I loose contact mid-flight or if I close throttle by mistake.. its bound to crash if the prop refuses to come alive then... will not risk that.. I will surely pursue RcBazaar to do something regarding this... 


and my CG is at 56 mm from leading edge.. whats yours...??


@ CS      I dont know know about your model,i have skysurfer V2. i had same problem till, i changed the prop to 6*4, instead of stock prop, which was 5*5.  The noise was also reduced and she climbed easily.

@ foolsworldus       Its always good, not to launch the plane, till you satisfy yourself on Ground.
                          but, this plane glides very well, you can land it, without throttle input(motor stopped).
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


@ manojswizera  can please tell me about the AUW.. mine is 773 grams.. whereas the rcbazaar website states standard AUW to be 715 grams.. will this be an issue for the plane to fly.. should I do something to reduce AUW.. my CG is at 56mm from leading edge of wings.


Skysurfer is a big plane, with 1500cm span. No need to worry so much for AUW right now.
you CG is right, They say 60mm. It means little nose heavy, but its fine.

Give some details about Prop and lipo used.
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


I am using the stock prop and a 3s2200 mah lipo...I now think I should upgrade to a better prop considering what CS mentioned... what say


Change the prop to 6*4. Will get more power.
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.


Finally I had a talk with rcbazaar. They have promised me a replacement esc..will ship the defective one tomorrow.. eagerly waiting to fly.. 

Serial crasher

Good stuff foolsworldus maybe even I will see if I can get a replacement ESC .mine gets really hot even after a short flight. And agree with Manoj once she has gained altitude she glides very well even without throttle so I'm not so tensed about a bad crash
Landings are nothing more than controlled crashes


Called RCBazaar 3 times already,no reply,need to know whether they have shipped the replacement motor and esc for skysurfer v3 or not :(
Tonight Im Flyin' You.


@priyum: you can try calling them again later. Might be they are busy or some other problem. I hope you got the same problem as foolworldus.
"If you were born with wings, do every thing you could, for flying."