SkySword Sport Jet

Started by DominicM, August 28, 2018, 11:03:23 PM

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Was nervous about flying this one out of my small local grass flying field but was no problem. It's a very unique and distinctive looking jet! Get the nose wheel off the deck for the positive AOA and it's airborne quickly on the stock power system. Maybe 10mph of semi-gusty wind when I flew which does move it around a little when cruising. I think a rudder gyro would help with that but if you keep the speed up that disappears. Full flap slows it up nicely for landing with a bit of power to keep the nose up. All in all lots of fun and looks so good in the air. With 2 other pink SkySwords at our club we're looking forward to some formation flying. Action down the flying field starts @ 3:32 and was filmed as always in 4K60FPS.

'Essential RC' action in UltraHD and 4K


Out with the SkySword again this time exploring how aerobatic it is on the stock setup. Didn't all go to plan. Onboard shots from the Runcam2 positioned on top of the tail !

'Essential RC' action in UltraHD and 4K