Strange problem with new motor, help needed

Started by coderbanna, June 10, 2012, 01:05:02 PM

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i have purchased a new motor. setup using a 30 A Esc and 1000 mah 3S 25C lipo

the problem is that motor shut offs after certain rpm? i dont know what's happening but plane cant fly with low rpms like that, i have tried several props, problem seems same. here is the video showing that, any help appreciated.

Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...


did u check with different ESC? the signals from the ESC is screwed up on the lower end of the throttle, try programming the ESC to factory settings
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I think it's an ESC issue. Pls post which ESC you are using. Maybe you need to set the throttle range of the ESC before programming. Also check the throttle curves pls



that's the esc i am using. i am not much aware about throttle curves. :) newbee in that.
Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...


I've had a similar problem... it turned out to be the battery voltage. The ESC had a low voltage cutoff, so the ESC shut down. It was on till 30% throttle, but stopped the motor after that, so I recharged the LiPo and it worked fine.



ok i will charge the battery full, however i am never sure of when its full charged, i have very basic "rcforall" charger which have only two lights, one is red that denotes power, one is green one, but it just blinks once when i connect the battery and then it goes off, i dont know if its charging or not and when its charged, should i go for "IMAX B3" charger or more advanced one?
Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...


Buy a multimeter for Rs.150-200. Stop charging when the voltage is 12.6V (For a 3S LiPo).


i have a multimeter, its good to know to charge it upto 12.6 and what is the storage voltage?
Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...


The storage voltage is 3.7V-3.9V per cell. So keep it between 11.1V to 11.7V



thanks, charging the battery, i will put the results after check.
Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...


checked with full charged 12.2 volts battery, still the same problem, also checked with other motor, so definately problem is with my ESC i guess. cause i checked the tx on T6Config, throttle works to the upway full. any inputs its really frustuating and also now i know why my last plane coro slow stick crashed, because when i wanted to stablize the plane i made full throttle as the plane was heavy and motor stopped like it does and plane crashed. DAMN not my fault and planes.
Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...


anybody please help me, i cant fly again half throttle :(
Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...


dude replace the ESC and check out. You might be able to narrow down the cause of the problem.
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On transmisster side:-

1) Software programming- After connecting your Tx with PC, running under progemming mode, Check if you can see full bars on PC for full throttle while operating throttle physically.
2) Check on Rx side by connecting throttle on a different physical port if works fine (hope you checked it alternatively using another port for throttle- on Rx module), if it does, then there is triggering happening , but chances of such issue are miniscule.

On Battery side:-

3) Check for "current drawn" by battery if you have a multimeter, almost all LiPo/NiMH/NiCd storage cells tend to show the correct voltage irrespective of current drawing capacity when no considerable load is connected.

To check this connect your cells to a "resistance" (1W or 4 W minimum, ceraminc ones) equal to the resistance of the motor or circult when full throttle ( if you can do that, otherwise direct plugin can also do the job), connect this resistance in series, select the multimeter for measuring current in amperes (select highest rating, 100 A rating) and measure the current, wait for 1 or 2 secons for this current to settle up. please be caucious if your multi meter doesnt have any higher current measuring capacity, do not try this. You may directly connect motor to the battery & check, this will be conditionas in full throttle.

Your issue SEEMS likeiy because of battery not charged properly.

If all above conditions pass:-

On ESC Side:-

4) Your ESC is faulty or needs programming.

Alternatively, if you have a spare ESC, check alternatively to cut down on above long procedures.

hope this helps.

Cheers & good luck.


Quote from: Sandeeppande on June 11, 2012, 09:37:11 AMconnect this resistance in series, select the multimeter for measuring current in amperes (select highest rating, 100 A rating)

But most multimeters available here aren't capable of handling currents beyond 10A, coderbanna might require a wattmeter.

Yes, I too feel it's because of battery not fully charged.

Checking with another ESC would help. :)


ram singh

check with another spare esc , or change radio and receiver


another motor setup with 6" prop goes uptil full throttle, while new motor with any prop and old motor with big prop cuts in half throttle, new motor is 250 watt (much higher than old motor), so this issue seems to be related with watts used and cut off, still not sure what it is? i think the culprit is ESC, i dont have another, i have to order new one. battery seems fine, i charged it upto 12.5 volts and checked.
Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...


Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...


Hi Coberdana,

plesae check your battery's current capacity. i doubt that, all setups have different current requiremets, presently you do not have any spare ESC, would you have a spare battery?

If yes, please replace it. i am sorry i have to advice you hit & trial as we are not working here with professional equipments.

So please try using an alternative battery and let us know the results, i am sure you may be having one.



today i will post a video showing everything in detail from transmitter settings to battery voltage, and diffrent prop testing with two diffrent motors on same ESC. then everyone can  have better idea.
Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...


hi guys,

i was not able to make video till now as sometime battery voltage is low, or sometime tranmitter battery goes low. anyway what i figured out is that, if i put smaller prop (6x4) throttle cut off range goes high that mean i can give more throttle than half and it goes cut near full throttle, while with bigger prop (10") it cuts near half throttle or just before it. any ideas... ?
Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...



Please replece or check the battery, alternatively just run the motor with propellor for long ( at whatever throttle it runs with any propellor) and see how long does it last, compare with standard time it should last otherwise. if battery is able to sustain and release that much charge then ESC is culpret, otherwise it is battery.

i hope this will help to know on the condition of battery atlest.



i had already run my moon buggy with 6" prop for more than 5 minutes. however may be today or tomorrow i am going to run moon buggy again in desert, hope to know the results.
Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...


You need to perform a ESC throttle range calibration,

Here is the method

1. Turn your Tx on move the throttle stick to top 100%
2. Now remove the prop from the motor
3. Connect the ESC to the motor as normal
4. Connect the battery to the ESC
5. as soon as you connect the battery to the ESC you will hear 2 short beeps from the motor, at this time immidiately move your throttle stick to zero position and now you should hear your normal ESC initialization music or beeps
6. disconnet the battery from ESC
7. Next time keep the throttle at zero on tx and fly as normal.

Now your ESC is calibrated with your throttle and should work fine. Hope to hear some positive results.

Helis and Quads ROCK !!


I checked full battery on my buggy, it worked for full 20 minutes with higher throttle for much time, so on a plane it can easily give around 7-10 minutes.

fpv video attached :D

problem with bigger prop still remains.
Even if i say halalujah, it aint fly...