RC India

RC Equipments => Electric Power => Topic started by: SK1701 on April 18, 2015, 08:54:15 AM

Title: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: SK1701 on April 18, 2015, 08:54:15 AM
My quadcopter came with a set of 4 SunnySky x2212 980kv motors. The prop adapters on 2 of them got worn and so I have bought replacements from 2 sources: BangGood and Ebay. When they arrived, I noticed that they are longer than the stock prop adapters that I had received. I have also noticed that the bolt holes are very slightly misaligned. The holes on the motor are further towards the motor edge than on the prop adapter. I can bolt the prop adapter on most of the way but when I try to put a prop on a gap opens up between the adapter and the motor housing.
Could it be that the motors are fake? I assumed that here was a problem with the first set of adapters but it can't be now that the second set also do not fit. What can I do about this? Has anyone else faced this issue.
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: ashimda on April 18, 2015, 09:25:50 AM
Banggood and some ebay sellers are selling Fakes, so it would be safe to assume there adapters are fake as well.
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: SK1701 on April 18, 2015, 09:36:36 AM
Do you know of a place where I can purchase the original prop adapters then? I thought that it is more likely that it is a motor issue.
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: ashimda on April 18, 2015, 09:40:28 AM
Goodluckbuy sells the Original motors and parts. How many adapters do you need?
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: SK1701 on April 18, 2015, 09:41:39 AM
I need 2 adapters for now and 2 more for later as the other prop adapters seem to be wearing out too. I will also check the bearing on my motors to see if they are the originals.
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: ashimda on April 18, 2015, 09:45:43 AM
Could you explain the wearing out situation? How are the adapters wearing out?
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: SK1701 on April 18, 2015, 09:47:49 AM
I think I must have over tightened the nylock nuts after I had a prop fly off. The threads on the adapter are coming off and it is turning silver. One odd thing I noticed was the the thread came off like a wire as though it had been stuck on the adapter.
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: ashimda on April 18, 2015, 09:51:36 AM
Wow you have some brute strength my friend. You should use Loctite on the threads and the props will be safe, better option than going Hulk on the nuts :)
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: SK1701 on April 18, 2015, 10:09:10 AM
 :giggle: I did not use Loctite because I take the props off pretty often and also it is supposed to be bad for the propellor plastic. I thought that Nylock nuts would make it unnecessary anyway.
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: ashimda on April 18, 2015, 10:49:20 AM
If you have to remove props often, then you could remove the c-clip and remove the prop with the bell housing. From what I have read, during flight the bell will not fly off. but if you do its at your own risk.
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: sharlock on April 18, 2015, 11:20:41 AM
Remember buying from Bangood they are selling fake SunnySky motors please people I would request you not to buy from this website..  may be other motors that they sell can also be fake LOL who knows...
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: SK1701 on April 19, 2015, 02:28:32 PM
These are the photos of the bottom bearing with the circlip on. Does the motor seem original? I don't want to take the circlip off because I will probably damage it but I will if I have to. I want to decide whether to buy 2 more adapters and wait a month or just give up and order new motors depending on this.
EDIT: Image size and BTW the motors came in a Zip-lock pouch
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: ashimda on April 19, 2015, 02:49:23 PM
Not a great resolution pic but from what I can tell it looks ok.
Does the outer ring have slits? Compare with photo I uploaded earlier.
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: SK1701 on April 19, 2015, 03:05:32 PM
That would be my poor phone camera. The bearings do not appear to have any slits. Here is another photo:

I also noticed some of my windings seem crossed and somewhat shabby. I found some more identification criteria for these fakes here (http://peterwedege.blogspot.in/2015/01/sunnysky-x2212-980kv.html). These fakes may actually just be SunnySky QC rejects.
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: SK1701 on April 19, 2015, 04:14:50 PM
Something doesn't seem right. As per the spec diagram on the SunnySky website (attached) the length of the complete prop adapter should be 22.5mm. I do not own callipers but with a ruler the new prop adapters I bought (From BG as well as EBay) appear to be around that length. However the stock prop adapters measure barely 2cm.
The motors came in a zip-lock type pouch with all accessories in another small pouch inside. However the SunnySky website says that they do not use such packaging and that the motors should come in a heat sealed thick plastic pouch. I have sent an email to SS asking how I can make sure that is fake.
The Spec Sheet:
The correct packaging:
Inadvertently funny warning from SunnySky. I received this sort of packaging. Oh No!:
EDIT: I thought I ought to mention. My motors had been running oddly warm on 10x4.5 with 3S. Especially considering the fact the people have reported them running cool on 4S!
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: ujjwaana on April 21, 2015, 12:05:44 PM
GoodLuckybuy, FoxTech, HiModel, FPvModel etc are few places who sell Genuine SunnySky Motors. You cannot be sure about ANY Ebay shop unless it is a front shop for existing hobbyshop, like that of GoodLuckyBuy
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: SK1701 on April 27, 2015, 07:43:05 PM
UPDATE: I have come to a more than satisfactory resolution with the LHS. I bought 4 new motors at a discount 6 months after buying the original motors. I received them today and they appear original in all regards. Thanks to Satya Sir and his great support.  :hatsoff: Here are the main differences I have noticed between the originals and fakes:
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: satyagupta on April 28, 2015, 10:53:25 AM
Hey Siddharth,

You are welcome but when you are stating this i would also like you to please state when was this motor bought and was this motor bought alone or it came along some kits. Also i discussion that happened between us. The problem you faced and the cause that i stated.

Please dont mind but customers would start judging the quality and issues with the motors that we sale.

Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: SK1701 on April 28, 2015, 11:15:52 AM
Of course sir.
I got these motors as part of the Reptile ARF kit back in October. Satya Sir was notified that there was an issue with prop adapters by another customer and he has now switched to another supplier. That is why the kit was out of stock for some months.  The motors being sold now on QuadKopters are genuine. Once again, hats off to Satya Sir for helping me resolve this issue 6 months after the date of purchase. I feel very happy to have such LHS.  :hatsoff:

I have flown with the motors for the first time today and I have noticed that they run cooler than the other ones.
Title: Re: Sunnysky prop adapters don't fit. Fakes?
Post by: SK1701 on May 05, 2015, 12:54:01 PM
Does anybody know where I can get the FAKE adapters? I want to put the 4 fake motors I have to some use.