Turnigy bldc wiring.

Started by MohitJindal, May 28, 2015, 01:53:19 PM

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Recently I purchased turnigy inrunner bldc XK1222. All the 3 wires are black. How can I know which is +ve and which is -ve ?

Can I use bldc motor without ESc ?


Brushless motors don't have a positive or negative. And a simple google search will tell you how to wire it up. Please try and search for information before posting such questions.


Thanks SK1701 for no help.


Hey Mohit!
Hope you are doing good!

No problem if all three wires are black!
Connect the middle wire of both ESC and motor together, then you can connect the rest to any wire of ESC.
If you don't get correct rotation of motor, then simply swap these two wires.
Remember- Middle wire of motor will be hooked with middle wire of ESC. Rest you need not to worry about!

And yes- ESC is needed for your motor.

Cheers mate!
Have a good day!

Milind Raj

India, I pledge to serve you, to protect you and make you shine above all.....
....and when all the wars are over, a butterfly will still be beautiful.


Thanks milind. You are really helpful. Please also tell me a suitable ESC for turnigy XK1222. It can take max 7 volt and max 7 amp current.


No need to get touchy just because I did not want to spoon feed you basic information that is available on any RC related site. Why don't you try finding things out by yourself? Anyway your question has now been answered.
And the middle wire doesn't matter, the wires can be connected in any order. Swap any 2 to reverse rotation.
A 12 Amp ESC will do and provide a safety margin as well (another thing a Google search could have told you)


Thanks again SK1701. I wish more helpful people like you join the rcindia and redirect others to Google search. Thanks a lot.


Good to hear you Mohit!

For the ESC- its very simple, just go for any ESC of higher Amp rate than your motor.
For eg.: If your motor is 10Amp, then I would suggest you to go for a 15Amp or higher. Keep it double, no issues.

Reason why I am saying this to you is because higher ESC amp will prevent it from heating. So it'll last longer! Simple!

Milind Raj

India, I pledge to serve you, to protect you and make you shine above all.....
....and when all the wars are over, a butterfly will still be beautiful.


Thanks a ton milind. You are very helpful for beginners.


One more question. Can I use DC adapter for ESC ? Or it is compulsory to use battery with ESCs.


You can use any DC power source that can serve sufficient current and volt


I used 12 volt 5 amp DC adapter, but the motor is not moving. The motor has a capacity of maximum 7 volt and 7 amps. But there is no adapter in market of 7 volt and 7 amp.