This is Sachin...
Just wanna know... if we could take an advantage of MOBILE POWER BANKS... in our Gadgets.
Which is very cheap compare to the Available Chargeable Batteries.
( Start with Rs. 300/- to Max Rs. 1500/- till 10,000.00 mAh)
Have any one tried to take advantage...?
Suggestions & Advices are welcome...
With their C rating being too low and output voltage is below 5V, basically they are useless to power motors.
they can be used on both quads and planes!! but under few conditions!! i replied on a different thread here about the same, have a look:-
http://www.rcindia.org/batteries-and-chargers/economical-and-reliable-source-of-batteries/msg212022/#new (http://www.rcindia.org/batteries-and-chargers/economical-and-reliable-source-of-batteries/msg212022/#new)