for sale is a used 1/16th scale ken block edition drift car
asking price is 13,000 comes with 1 unused traxxas nimh battery
and one used dynamite lipo 2s 1,200 nimh.comes with transmitter.
will not negotiate on price.shipping cost extra
Quote from: ganesan satish on February 05, 2012, 12:49:09 PM
asking price is 13,0000
Just wondering is it 13,0000 or 13,000? :headscratch:
I have bought a XXT from this seller.
Seller is reliable.
Quote from: raja2k5 on February 05, 2012, 01:03:53 PM
Just wondering is it 13,0000 or 13,000? :headscratch:
sorry typo error